Consumer behavior is the behavior that consumers display when searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of, products and services. The study of consumer behavior began when marketers realized that consumers didnt always react as marke

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Understanding Consumer Behavior

Marko Stakich

MKT 604


Yu Chen

Consumer behavior is the behavior that consumers display when searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of, products and services. The study of consumer behavior began when marketers realized that consumers didn’t always react as marketing theory suggested they would (Solomon 2003). A lot of consumers don’t like using similar or identical products that everyone else uses, instead they prefer different products that they feel reflect their own special needs, personality and lifestyles. Figuring out not only who would buy it, but why they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it, and how they use it is the basis of understanding consumer behavior.

The set of beliefs consumers have stored in long and short-term memory provides a function to marketers. It provides the basis for a consumer's attitude toward a brand or an ad. Early theories concerning consumer behavior thought that individuals act to maximize their benefits in the purchase of goods and services. Later research discovered that consumers are just as likely to purchase impulsively and to be influenced not only by family and friends, by advertisers and role models, but also by mood, situation and emotion (Rosenblatt 1999).

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There are major forces that shape who we are and what we buy. Variables such as age, income, and geography are important to understand consumer behavior and developing marketing plans (Blackwell et al. 2006).  Internal factors have a major impact on consumer behavior. Our personal motives, attitudes, and decision-making abilities guide our consumption behavior. In addition to the internal factors, consumer behavior is also influenced to a large extent by social factors, such as culture, family relationships, the ads we see on TV, and other aspects of the external environment. Awareness of these influences can help marketers to identify groups ...

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