Michelle Grant                08 May 2007

Corporate Treasury Management                Paul Cowdell





Excluding bibliography & References, appendicies and table of contents.


Appendix 1        

Notes to Tesco Plc annual reports and accounts:        

  1. Identification and justification of possible key benchmarks which could be used to measure the performance of Tesco plc

My chosen company is Tesco Plc; their annual accounts say they operate on a non-profit centre basis. This means they actually use either cost centre or value-added treasury, they also adopted a hedge selectively policy and to use transaction banking rather than relationship banking.

There is a general rule of thumb - hedge selectively means profit centre and hedge everything means cost centre. Tesco use a hedge selectively policy and also state in their annual report and accounts they do not use a profit centre, however, I would suggest they operate on a profit centre basis. I suggest this because operating on a profit centre basis will allow them to take extra risks in return for extra profit; it also allows them to leave some exposures exposed with the view to making extra profit. They do not need to be cost conscious as they are AA+ rated company that can afford to use transaction banking and shop around for better deals, whilst at the same time leaving some exposures un-hedged.

This is just what Tesco does with its end of year profits from each overseas company, the foreign currency exposures are not hedged, simply swapped into sterling at what ever the spot rate is at the end of the financial year.

Advantages to being a profit centre treasury include; the treasury becoming performance orientated, cost conscious, gaining specialist expertise and upgrading of their systems to improve efficiency. On the other hand the disadvantageous include; bonus linked remuneration, as the treasurer may take extra risks to try and maximise profit like Nick Leeson did with Barings Bank, the organisation views the treasury as a specialised, narrow focused department and the wrong targets could be set.

Operating as a profit centre means they will be cost conscious, performance orientated, and seek to run an improved efficiency treasury. This suggests that the organisation will see the treasury function as a narrowly focused, specialised function which could deter morale from other functions within the organisation.

Since I believe Tesco should operate on a profit centre basis they may use bonus linked remuneration which if not controlled tightly could lead to incidents like Barings Bank happening within Tesco.

The cost centre treasury approach defines the treasury as a service/function that has no intention of contributing to the companies trading related profits.

I believe that the type of treasury role within Tesco is ‘Agency, because they have one main treasury department down in London but for their stores in other countries they manage their own exposures but gain bulk rates by doing it through the main head office treasurers.

Performance evaluation is often over complicated; one of the easiest benchmarks to use would be simply comparing achievements against objectives set. However, this would not be used alone it should be used along side other factors like “the personal knowledge and relationship of the Finance Director and treasurer” (as stated by Ross, Treasurers Handbook, 2004, p217).

Identification and Evaluation of key Benchmarks:

According to Lloyds TSB, they believe benchmarking for treasurers is basically based on cash, interest rates against a predetermined factor: http://www.marketplace.lloydstsb.com/doc/glossary/controlprocedures.html

“In a treasury context, it means comparing actual performance on measure (such as return on surplus cash invested, cost of funds, foreign exchange rates achieved or commodity price secured) against some predetermined target, a budget or an external comparator”.

Before setting benchmarks to measure the performance of the treasury function there are necessary characteristics for such benchmarks;

  • The benchmarks must be stated prior to treasury activities being undertaken otherwise you are measuring performance with hindsight.
  • They must be consistent with Tesco’s treasury objectives and with the company’s, as a whole, attitude to risk. For example they shouldn’t suggest using floating rates if the status of the company means they can really only afford to borrow at fixed rates.
  • They must be achievable, i.e. they ought to represent a policy that should have been followed from the beginning of the measurement period.
  • The time period must be relevant, e.g. you would not use short-term LIBOR rates for measuring long-term borrowing.
  • Finally, the benchmark must provide a lower cost or lower risk strategy than its alternatives; otherwise it fails to achieve optimum performance.
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The benchmarks set depend on the companies’ attitude to risk, so the fact that Tesco should operate it’s treasury on a profit centre basis pre-determines some benchmarks, such as the fact that they are able to leave some exposures un-hedged in expectance of rates going up and extra profit being made, or the fact that their hedge selectively policy and profit centre based treasury allows them to shop around for better rates for deals, not just being tied to one particular dealer means they have to search for the best rates and is thus measurable on past and future ...

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