Crisis kills forecasting and classic theories of economics

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You must answer one of the following questions in not more  than 2000 words:

3. Her Majesty the Queen has enquired as to why nobody predicted the recent financial crisis. Provide her an answer.

Crisis kills forecasting and classic theories of economics

Economy goes in cycles – it is an absolute truth, known by both  common people and  the experts of this field. In good times, one should prepare for the bad period, and after the poor times, always comes the upswing. However, looking at the comments on the current crisis, it looks like majority of people forgot these general principles. Moreover, even some professionals of economics were hold to mockery by their colleagues, when they had published the forecasts and predictions of this crisis in 2006 or 2007. Many people felt like the crisis suddenly came from nowhere – unpredicted and unexpected. However, it was not so, and the enquiry of Her Majesty the Queen herself, as to why nobody predicted the recent financial crisis, is badly put altogether. The correct question should be – why nobody believed that financial downswing would come and that it would be so intense.

The first answer that comes to mind is from the psychological side of the matter – we all would like to live happily ever after. Therefore, even some experts of economics were blind to the considerations about the forthcoming recession. Millions now regret their inadvertence – if they had thought and behaved more prudently, they would have prepared for it. They would not have taken loans, credits and mortgages. Companies and countries would have saved funds especially for this darksome period.

Secondly, even those, who saw this recession coming early in 2006-2007; those who predicted it and those who understood what was happening from the first signs in 2008 could not believe that the crisis would be so harsh and deep. Nobody expected the Great Depression to repeat globally. Even in worst forecasts the crisis was not so deep, long and all-embracing. In addition, even in most detailed predictions, none of the scientists of economics were able to predict the fall of the current economic orthodoxy and the aftermaths of this major change. Some authors like Tett in her “Fool’s Gold” claimed that they can explain what happened and why. Tett    gives all faults to the new financial product known as credit derivatives and sheer greed of bankers (Tett 2009:19, 287). Krugman, in his new, greatly updated edition of “The Return of Depression Economics” tried to demonstrate that the crisis started because of the failure of regulation, which kept pace with an increasingly out-of-control financial system (Krugman 2009:174). According to him, it was exactly what set up the United States and the world as a whole for the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. However, still none of these omniscient authors explain all mis-forecasts and unusual behaviour of economics at the start and the time of the current crisis. Therefore, this second answer already requires economical discussion – insights into financial forecasts and changes in theory of economics that inevitably will be done due to the current crisis.

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