European HRM


Management in International Firm

Student Name:             Siyuan Li

Student ID:                  2800712

Unit Coordinator:        Colin Knapp

Assignment  Question:

To what extent are European (EU) countries beginning to coalesce towards a common ‘European HRM’ culture? Or are the very different cultures of Europe proving resistance to pressures to change


Introduction………………………………………………..   4

Organizational Culture …………………………………… 5

European HRM culture…………………………………… 6

Theories behind convergence………………………………6

European Public Sector Integration………………………7

European Union Public Management Strategy…………...7

Further Evidence of convergence………………………….8

Implications to poor cultural Integration………………….9

HRM Cultural Policies……………………………………..10




There has been considerable debate amongst many scholars whether HRM systems and practices within nations are converging (Sotirakou and Zeppou, 2005).  Forces that are driving globalisation, such as the liberalisation of international trade, the international market of production, research and marketing by major MNCs, as well as the emergence of major economic regions like the European Union, have given the opportunity to recruit overseas human capital in order to seek competitive advantage (Myloni et al, 2004).  This view is supported by Sotirakou and Zeppou (2005) where they contend that due to such factors as market liberalization, ever changing information technology, globalisation and the recent emergence of knowledge societies have manufactured a turbulent and complex working environment for government agencies and organisations.  There are an increasing number of organizations that are adopting a common European HRM culture due to such factors as cross-border-alliances and mergers (Brewster et al, 2005).  In order to determine whether or not there is an effort to coalesce a common HRM culture, it is first necessary to gain a greater understanding of HRM culture, the EU and also any various perspectives on the matter.  Harris (2004) believes that with the development of the European Union, there is an increasing demand for the ‘fusing together’ of diverse peoples and their national cultures.  Also it is paramount that examples are shown where a common HRM culture has been achieved and the problems that can arise.

Organizational Culture

Bruce et al define organizational culture as the ‘personality of a firm’, they see it as a trait or characteristic that makes the organization ‘unique’ from the perspective of people within and outside the organisation.  Koch (1996) sees cultural background as an organisation’s basic assumptions, values and ways of thinking.  Various definitions of culture have been offered, however, the common contention is the belief and presence of shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and patterns of behavior (Schein 1992).  What is evident in the Organisational Culture is the personification of the organisation where companies collectively share the characteristics and traits of their employees.

Adler (1997) argues that in there are five main components when managing human capital across various cultures and organisations.  Often, he states, a balance is created by using all these options when the appropriate business situation calls for it:

  1. Cultural dominance. This is where the Organisation with the greater power exerts certain traits on beliefs upon the smaller organisation:  
  2. Cultural accommodation. This strategy is the opposite of cultural dominance, here senior management accommodate the host company.  For instance an expatriate employee may learn the native language of the organisation.
  3. Cultural compromise. Cultural compromise is a combination of cultural dominance and cultural accommodation, usually there is some give and take, however, Alder notes that it is usually the smaller organisation that is more accommodation.
  4. Cultural avoidance. As the term suggests, companies operate as if no conflict of cultures exists. This is particularly prevalent in Asian countries and where the unresolved issue is less important than the final outcome of the situation.
  5. Cultural synergy.  Cultural synergy promotes a ‘transcultural business environment’ and provides for new solutions where is acknowledges and respects all cultures. An example of this, would be negotiations being carried out in English between a Spanish and Italian company, if the Spanish company insisted on Spanish it would be cultural dominance, if they insisted on Italian it would be cultural accommodation and interpreters were used it would be cultural compromise.  Adler (1997) notes that English is emerging as the principal language of communication among members which is important with the main topic been discussed.
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Myloni et al (2003) argue that many Countries within the EU are different from each other and that their distinctive cultural differences are mirrored in labour legislation and other institutional factors such as labour market trends, trade-union influence, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, public opinion and stakeholder’s interests and views.

European HRM culture

According to Koch (1996) the European legal and police cultures are not homogeneous and maybe it is not even a good idea to try to homogenize them.  He believes that discrepancies arise due to cultural diversity in different nations.  Subsequently he sees that the solution ...

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