Nisha Patel

ZB100 Understanding Organisations and Management

The GLO-TRAV Case Study


When looking at the report, it is clear to say that there are many issues that need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Initially it is important to look at the ‘Cultural Characteristics’ of the company itself. Here the cultural Descriptors are as follows:

  • Informal- Very relaxed, the staff quality is ‘low’, as there is a culture among the employees of continuous dissatisfaction with everything
  • Hierarchical- Any issues must go through the ‘proper’ channels and often results in extreme lack of communication
  • Static- Non active
  • Status driven- Only opinions of the management are considered.
  • Unregulated- No obvious rules or guidance for the workers.
  • Controlling- The staff cannot deal with many of the problems without referring to management.
  • Rigid- Inflexible and static so any talking is general without a rigid agenda.

The company itself displays aspects to suggest that it is ‘Role Culture’, meaning that the organisation is defined by the roles that people play and is highly predictable.

Organisations can be marked by whether they are controlling or decentralised. Centralised structures tend to work in favour of those at the top and Decentralised have a propensity to be more democratic in the manner that decisions are made. In this case the organisation reflects some elements of each of these, though here we see that the balance is not equal according to how the organisation is designed/ structured, therefore we are able to say that GLO-TRAV is a company that is based on a Controlled agenda.

From the case study material it is fair to say that lack of motivation is a continuous theme that runs throughout the company.

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The main factors that I feel are influencing staff motivation are the lack of communication and acknowledgement between the staff and management, staff need to be trained in the area they are working in as there seems to be a general feeling of ‘lack of knowledge’ in their area of work and finally improvement of staff facilities. From this list we are able to adopt Frederick Hertzberg’s Dissatisfaction events or Hygiene Factors, which enable us to pinpoint the main factors that need to be addressed in order to improve staff motivation and in turn their performance. The points are as ...

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