National Cranberry Cooperative case study. This case analysis will investigate two primary problems faced by NCC (1) Long waiting period of trucks during unloading of berries at RP1 and (2) Too much overtime cost. This case will also look at a secondary

MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Graduate Studies In Engineering Management Production and Operations Management National Cranberry Cooperative Submitted by Carla Angelica I. Santillan Franz Christian C. Soberano Submitted to: Professor Robin Owens May 7, 2011 Executive Summary In 1971, National Cranberry Cooperative faced recurring operational problems that affected the productivity and relationship of NCC to growers. This analysis will discuss how NCC can improve its operation before the peak-season comes in. The analysis was based from facts cited in the case, using tools such as but not limited to process flow diagram, cost, benefit and utilization analysis, and work-force scheduling. The author recommends solution that will not just improve NCC's operations but will also increase plant's capacity and decrease its cost thereby leading to long-term savings for the growers. Problem Statement/Key Issues This case analysis will investigate two primary problems faced by NCC (1) Long waiting period of trucks during unloading of berries at RP1 and (2) Too much overtime cost. This case will also look at a secondary problem, specifically, the inaccuracy of grading of berries. Supporting Argument It is necessary to address the truck's queuing problem in 1970 in order to attain NCC's planned increase in output of water harvested crop from 58% to 70% the

  • Word count: 1031
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Risk Analysis on Investment Decision: Lester Electronics

Running head: Risk Analysis on Investment Decision: Lester Electronics Risk Analysis on Investment Decision: Lester Electronics Tamieka Mobley MAXIMIZING SHAREHOLDER WEALTH MBA 540 MKTP2572 Sheri Wang University of Phoenix June 18, 2007 Risk Analysis on Investment Decision: Lester Electronics Introduction Lester Electronics, Inc. is a financial service investment company. Currently, the company is facing several situations that offer problems as well as opportunities that need to be evaluated. There are different ways to approach defining the problems facing an organization; the focus needs to be on defining the problem correctly. Lester Electronics, Inc. should look at their situation and options regarding the takeover by Avral Electronics, S.A., Shang-Wa and the hostile takeover by Transnational Electronics Corporation. Lester Electronics, Inc. and Shang-Wa's issues are related to the financial history of the corporations, while John Lin wanting to retire, which led into the current problem of other corporations wanting to take over the companies. This paper explores the challenges, opportunities and the ethical dilemmas that Lester Electronics, Inc and Shang-Wa is experiencing during their pursuit to prevent hostile takeovers. Describe the Situation Issue and Opportunity Identification Lester Electronics, Inc. is facing two issues. The

  • Word count: 2216
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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This papеr еxaminеs prеvious еmpirical studiеs on projеct managеmеnt implеmеntation in various industry sеctors and thе succеss critеria and factors most frеqu

IT Project Management Introduction Proj?ct manag?m?nt is a w?ll-?stablish?d disciplin? that d?fin?s in d?tail th? tools and t?chniqu?s that ar? r?quir?d to d?fin?, plan, and impl?m?nt any proj?ct. How?v?r, whil? many r?s?arch?rs hav? addr?ss?d th? issu?s surrounding th? manag?m?nt of proj?cts within larg? firms (Whit? and Fortun?, 2002; Bryd?, 2003), th?r? has not b??n much publish?d to dat? about th? manag?m?nt of proj?cts in small-to m?dium-siz?d ?nt?rpris?s (SM?s). This pap?r ?xamin?s pr?vious ?mpirical studi?s on proj?ct manag?m?nt impl?m?ntation in various industry s?ctors and th? succ?ss crit?ria and factors most fr?qu?ntly adopt?d. Th? pap?r also ?xamin?s th? r?sults of a surv?y distribut?d to 200 own?r/manag?rs of high-t?chnology SM?s in Ir?land that att?mpts to r?cognis? th? g?n?ral charact?ristics of proj?cts und?rtak?n by SM?s, th? issu?s th?y ?ncount?r and th?ir opinions on how SM?s can us? proj?ct manag?m?nt to achi?v? gr?at?r ?ffici?ncy and comp?titiv?n?ss. SM?s, ranging from th? dynamic, innovativ? and growth-ori?nt?d to th? traditional ?nt?rpris?s satisfi?d to r?main static, ar? critical to th? ?conomy as an ?ngin? of ?conomic and social d?v?lopm?nt (Hallb?rg, 1999). Incr?as?d importanc? has b??n giv?n to SM?s within ?urop?an Union (?U) industrial policy (Floyd and McManus, 2005). According to th? ?urop?an Comp?titiv?n?ss R?port of 2003, SM?s account for 99

  • Word count: 6384
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Business Forecasting

Part 1: If we look at the graph, it shows that there is a strong seasonal effect. It's a quarterly investment series (i.e. it has four point pattern repeat.); therefore we can see the peaks at final quarters of the year. Also there is trend-cycle present in the graph. There is an upward trend till 1998. But afterwards there is downward trend, but it is with some variations (i.e. it's not linear). But it's showing some signs of going up again at the end which may be due to some improvement in market situation. Part 2: First of all we tried dummy variable method with linear trend cycle. Following was the model which we obtained after regression from SPSS, Forecast1= 5577.542 - 23.466 * Time - 1080.037 * Q1 - 922.571 * Q2 - 665.216 * Q3. Adjusted R square was 39.2% which shows that it was a bad model (Figure #1). Forecast values fluctuated significantly from original values, both in modelling data and holdback data. Also Error resulting from this model didn't show the white noise. In fact it was showing trend cycles. It can be seen in Figure#2, which is showing the time series and ACF, PACF from the errors produced by this model. Figure#1 Linear Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate .665a .442 .392 624.26969 a. Predictors: (Constant), Q2, Time, Q3, Q1 b. Dependent Variable: investment Figure#2: Error Analysis of Linear

  • Word count: 1733
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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supply chain managment

) Introduction As every organization strives to satisfy their customer needs, the optimisation of their supply chain management, which deals with the total flow of materials from supplier to end users (Jones and Riley, 1985), is an essential part of tapping the full potential of a business and their product or service. In our following essay we will be stating what core competencies are in theory as well as defining the supply chain management. Furthermore on the basis of veridical examples we will be identifying the core competencies of the different elements within the supply chain followed by demonstration how these have affected the supply chain design in total. Finally we conclude our work with a brief interpretation of the prior mentioned examples. 2) Definition: Core Competencies Core competencies are the crucial and main business abilities out of which the company can develop a competitive advantage. In Hammel and Prahalad's model they describe a core competency of a firm to be an capability, knowledge and characteristics that meets the following conditions: * Provides potential access to a wide variety of markets * Makes a significant contribution to the benefits of the product as perceived by the customer * Should be difficult for competitors to imitate . Core competence, Hammel and Prahalad 3) Definition: Supply Chain Management "Supply Chain Management

  • Word count: 3698
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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entrepreneurial firm

MARKETING TARGET MARKET The customer profile in the tourism sector is extremely wide and variable,but the size that we are going to attract is that the people who are well-educated and have high income level.In addition,these people are well-known and have a career in their professional lifes.We think that our company is going to attract the people who are in variable level of ages.But it is possible for the people who are especially in the middle ages or upper can meet the prices of our company. We pick the place where our hotel is going to be in Istanbul city.Because,it is the city that attracts the most potential tourists who are domestic and foreign,has the most population density,has the most intensive potential customers that we think about to reach and also because of the surplus work areas,it is the place where has the most business traveler s come. It can be change that customers' frequency according to variety of the hotel's activities.Our aim is to provide permanent customer circulation and to increase the loyalty of our customers while we are making the special services for the customers. ADVERTISING The researces that we made,we compared the most useful trends for us. First of all,the newspaper s can be the most reachable resources for the people who are in the different part of the country.We can make a big advertisement in the newspapers for

  • Word count: 2552
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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The World is Flat

Tamara Kochen Prof. Golden MAN 6937 January 30, 2008 THE WORLD IS FLAT The world we live in today is going through enormous changes in economics, technology, culture, politics, etc. The effects of the changes are not so clear, since it is hard to predict how each sector would affect the other and how society will be affected. However, analyzing past and present occurrences provides some information for experts to interpret society's reaction in the future to different transformations. Globalization can be seen as a process in which societies around the world come together and expand through the combination of different forces. This paper will explore the effects of globalization on US companies, US society and economy, and the implications for other countries in the post-industrial world. How it All Started As Thomas Friedman explains in his book "The World is Flat", globalization started "when Columbus set sail, opening trade between the Old World and the New World." Afterwards, "multinational companies went global for markets and labor," and around the year 2000, individuals were the ones who got into the global world. Today, individuals and small groups easily enter the global market, collaborate, and compete - a process described by Friedman as "the flattening of the world." According to Friedman, the fall of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall has shaped the

  • Word count: 1426
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Accounting Research of Riordan Manufacturing

Accounting Research of Riordan Manufacturing and Huffman Trucking Accounting Research of Riordan Manufacturing and Huffman Trucking A. Student BSA 310 University of Phoenix Anastasia Jakubow August 11, 2007 Accounting Research of Riordan Manufacturing and Huffman Trucking This paper examines the financial earnings of two virtual organizations and how they compare to existing corporations in their respective industries. There will be some discrepancies as data for one of the virtual organizations is not available for 2006, and the data for Riordan will be based on 2005 information. The two companies that will be examined are Riordan Manufacturing and Huffman Trucking. Riordan is a plastics manufacturer, and Huffman is a long-haul transportation company. Some of the specific financial data that will be discussed are the current ratio, debt ratio, profit margin, return on assets, and the price to earnings ratio. Together these figures give a good indication to the over all financial health of the corporations. Indicators of Financial Strength In the following sections of this paper, reference will be made to several financial terms. Here is a brief explanation of each and how the number is determined: * Current Ratio. The current ratio is a way of measuring a company's ability to pay short term debts. This measurement is the result of dividing current

  • Word count: 1195
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Analysis and comparisson of Russian and British national cultures. Assesment of implications and potential pitfalls for and Anglosaxon manager working in Russian national Culture

Critically analyse the academic literature on a national culture of your choice from the ones studied, described and mapped by Hofstede, and Hofstede & Bond. Using their views plus those of Trompenaars and other researchers, indicate the likely implications and potential pitfalls for an Anglo-Saxon manager working with people from this national culture. The Countries chosen to examine in terms of cultural differences are Russian Federation (Russia) and United Kingdom (UK). Since management of the companies in Russia has been established during the years of Soviet era, the organizations are supervised and operated in different ways in Russia and Anglo-Saxon countries, UK in particular. Among numerous reasons, one of the major constraints is difference in national cultures. Trompenaars' (Trompenaars, 1995:6) describes culture as: "... the way in which a group of people solves problems." Hofstede (1984: 21) expands that definition to: "... the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from the other." Moreover, Goodenough (in: Wardhaugh, 1993:217) adds, that: "a society's culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves." Therefore, the ability to accomplish cultural analysis enables

  • Word count: 2581
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Macroeconomic Metrics and Microeconomic Basics for Corporate Expansion

Running head: MACROECONOMIC METRICS AND MICROECONOMIC BASICS FOR Macroeconomic Metrics and Microeconomic Basics for Corporate Expansion Kelly Moore Colorado Technical University Applied Managerial Economics ECON616-0904A-03 Phase 1 - Discussion Board October 08, 2009 Macroeconomic Metrics and Microeconomic Basics for Corporate Expansion After an in depth conversation with Consumer Products Inc. (CPI) chief financial officer (CFO), it is necessary to look into the requirements that would be necessary to consider for expansion. In this paper it is my goal to present ideas on how CPI may use micro and macroeconomic concepts to assist companies in their consideration of expansion strategies, what it would require to expand, and possible obstacles that may need to be conquered. In addition, identification of companies will be necessary to understand which ones have the potential to sell products from CPI, where the attractive markets are, and what considerations for finances and economics CPI would need to identify. It is important to get a good understanding of micro and macroeconomics. In my understanding of CyberEconomics (Schenk, 2008), micro economics takes a look at consumers and companies to understand how they interact. People make purchasing decisions, while companies determine price for profit levels, and place their focus on specific markets. Macroeconomics

  • Word count: 954
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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