Marketing is an indispensable part of any business to make it a success. It aspires to the needs of customer and potential customers, whether or not it is for making a profit or not.

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The Principles of Marketing

Marketing is an indispensable part of any business to make it a success. It aspires to the needs of customer and potential customers, whether or not it is for making a profit or not. Nowadays, different types of media provide us with images and services intended to make us buy the product or service. Media such as the internet is an increasingly popular to advertise a product because it is being used more often.

The lifestyle of people are changing, we live in a market economy which makes it possible for consumers to be articulated. This signals the suppliers whether the products or services are in demand or not.

Marketing Mix

Marketing mix is when a complex sets of variables which a business ensures to achieve its objectives. The 4P's are mentioned below in further detail.

For a business to meet the customer needs it has to make products that are right and fit in with the 4P's. The price should be right; the goods should be sold in the right place and it should make the product known through promotion.

The word to describe market process is "mix". A mix is a content of ingredients blended together to reach a specific goal. Every ingredient is important and depends on the contribution of others. Many people have different tastes about a certain product and marketing mix can be changed fulfil the customers requirements.

To achieve the objectives the marketing mix should have a time scale. The business should indicate this. Some objectives that have already been set will be attained in the near future. The mix consists of strategic elements. These elements will form the overall strategy of the business. Decisions like this take time and a possible development of a new product or a market strategy.

If commitment is put in this programme of strategies then this will underline and determine how capable a business is of achieving its goals.

The 4P's


Product is the central point of marketing energies. The product must set the customers satisfactory before it goes into production. Products come in different shapes and sizes; here are a few factors that influence a business: -

> Shape

> Size

> Colour

> Design

> Appearance

These factors come into consideration because my car is influenced by these factors. Factors such as these mentioned above are important because customers would like to choose the colour they would like for the car plus the appearance from the inside i.e. interior.


Price is important for my car. These people have a lot of money to spend. The price should deter competition and should be at a considerable price ranging at prices £500,000-£650,000.


Promotion consists of advertising a certain product to its customers and spreading the word of the product through different methods of media such as: -
Join now!

> T.V

> Radio

> Newspapers

> Billboards

> Leaflets.........etc

My product is to be advertised to specific people (rich and famous) and make customers aware. Laws might have to follow if the product is advertised in a different country or state. My product will be advertised on the internet as "pop ups" and also advertised on television.


My product is to be placed in show rooms that also advertise famous cars i.e. Ferrari, Aston Martin, and Bentley. These show rooms provide a launch for my car. Showrooms ...

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