Middlesex University Business School recently took on re-branding by changing its logo and introducing a new advertising campaign. Our marketing research objective is to gauge the effectiveness of this re-branding in the London Borough of Barnet.

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MKT4253                                                                  Marketing Research And Analysis

 1) Executive Summary

Middlesex University Business School (MUBS) recently took on a re-branding technique by changing its logo and introducing a new advertising campaign.

Our marketing research objective is to gauge the effectiveness of this re-branding in the London Borough of Barnet.

The survey tool of quantitative research method used, was full structured questions on the basis of face-to-face interviews with individuals ranging from16 to 60 years old, living in the London Borough of Barnet. This research was conducted by approximately 71 Marketing students.

There were in total 20 teams of researchers which completed around 600 questionnaires out of which only 407 were considered for analysis in SPSS. Each team was given a specific location to conduct their interviews. All the 407 entries were given to all the groups to analyze and derive their results.

The data obtained from the survey was analysed using the SPSS Software and presented in the form of charts, graphs and tables. For the purpose of data analysis we effectively used frequency distributions, bar-charts, cross-tabulations and so on with the help of SPSS software.

Finally from the analysis, we tried to derive some recommendations for the client to improve the efficiency of his re-branding exercise. We also explain a few limitations of the research which could have inculcated some errors in it.

2) Statement of Marketing Problem

Our client would like to find out how far his re-branding exercise has been successful and effective in terms of the level of awareness of Middlesex University Business School among the local people in the target segment.

The main marketing problem is to devise a marketing strategy that would increase the awareness of Middlesex University amongst the target segment aimed at. This research is designed to gauge the effectiveness of their re-branding initiative and get inputs from the same, to help him improve upon his marketing endeavours in the future.

3) Statement of Research Objectives

Our main research objective is to determine local community awareness of the new logo and advertising campaigns, and hence develop an effective strategy to increase the awareness of Middlesex University amongst the targeted people.

For this purpose, we would require to know:

  1. Did the target audience see the advertisements?
  2. If yes, then where did they see it?
  3. Again, if they have seen it, did they like it and understand it?
  4. Did they notice that the Middlesex University’s logo has changed?
  5. Their perception of Middlesex University.

We will have to carefully design the questionnaire in order to obtain the above information from the target audience.

4) Research Design

We have adopted the Quantitative Research Method to carry out this research. The survey tool used is Questionnaires. There are so many ways in which data could be collected for a survey. It could either be by method of interviewing, observation, mail survey, telephone, etc. Considering the nature of this study, we chose to use face-to-face form of interviewing to give us an in-depth analysis for our research. Face to face interviewing was best suited for our research design, as it has many advantages over the other research methods.

By using this type of data collection method we will reap the various advantages such as the use of stimulus material, interviewer can explain questions to respondents, personal interaction with the interviewee, create high response rate by encouraging respondents to participate and complete the interview. After collecting the required data we use segmentation, where we group the interviewees into various categories and use codes to analyse the data. Also this method is flexible and has physical prompts such as products and pictures. Example - Pictures of the University Logo and Sample of the University’s Print Advertisement.

With telephone interviewing, use of stimulus material is not possible, the interviewer could be biased, and the questionnaires very lengthy. On the other, hand mail surveys have a very low response rate, one would have to deal with literacy problems, it is not flexible and no explanation or probing is possible. In the case of web surveys, the interviewees may not have access to the web.

The target population for the marketing research of Middlesex University is 16-60 year old residents or workers of the London Borough of Barnet.

The main style of questions used is: Multiple Choice and Dichotomous Style.

An example of a dichotomous style question is:

➔Have you seen this advertisement before?



Can’t Remember        

An example of a Multiple Choice Question is:

➔How many times did you use the tube in the last week?

1 or 2 days          

3-6 days


Don’t use the tube

5) Data Analysis and Results

  • Introduction :

This section of our report aims at tactically analysing the data that we have collected using various statistical techniques. We aim to use techniques such as frequency distribution, cross-tabulation, etc. to analyze the data. Based on this analysis we would give recommendations to our client in terms of ways to improve upon his future re-branding and advertising initiatives. Our approach, first we will analyse the acquired data statistically, and with the help of graphs, charts, and tables try to expand on it. Finally, we will attempt to briefly describe what the research suggests and hence analyse it.

Please note that except a few ones, majority of the tables produced in SPSS using which we give our following analysis are listed in the appendices section. Also, in many cases below, the tables would be directly referred. So for any reference, just find the respective table of a particular analysis in the appendices section.

(5.1) Analysis of Old / New Logo Recognition :

From the table we can clearly see the difference in awareness among the target people regarding the new and the old logo. Table-1 shows that almost 70% of the people interviewed, recognized Middlesex University’s old logo and were successful in identifying it with the university, about 20% failed to do so and about 10% could not recall. Table-2 shows that only about 30% of the people recognized the new logo while almost 53% failed to do so. The rest could not recall. This reflects that still the level of awareness among the target audience with regards to the new logo of the university is quite low and hence more work needs to be done to increase the awareness.

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(5.2) Analysis of  Logo Change Awareness :

The table clearly reflects extremely low level of awareness among people about the logo change.  Nearly 80% of the people are not aware about the fact that Middlesex University (MU) has changed its logo. Thus, our client needs to work on increasing awareness regarding the change of logo.

(5.3) Analysis of  Advertisement Awareness :

Table-4: MU advert awareness

From the above table we can observe that almost 50% of the people had seen the advertisements of MUBS. We arrive at this conclusion by combining the first ...

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