Modern Classics of Comparative Politics - Albert O. Hirschman.. Exit, voice and Loyalty.

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Modern Classics of Comparative Politics. PO605

Albert O. Hirschman.. Exit, voice and Loyalty

Under any economic, social, or political system, individuals, business firms, and organisations in general are subject to lapses from efficient , rational, law-abiding, virtuous or otherwise functional behaviour. No matter how well a societies basic institutions are devised, failures of some actors to live up to the behaviour which is expected of them are bound to occur, if only for all kinds of accidental reasons. Each society learns to live with a certain amount of dysfunctional or misbehaviour, but lest the misbehaviour feed on itself and lead to general decay, society but be able to marshal from within itself forces which will make as many of the faltering actors as possible revert to the behaviour required for its proper functioning. This book undertakes a reconnaissance ( exploration) of these forces as they operate in the economy.

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While moralists and political scientists have been much concerned with rescuing individuals from immoral behaviour, societies from corruption, and governments from decay, economists have paid little attention to repairable lapses of economic actors. There are two reasons for this neglect. First, in economies one assumes either fully and undeviating rational behaviour or, at the very least, an unchanging level of rationality on the part of the economic actors. Deterioration of a firms performance may result from an adverse shift in supply and demand conditions while the willingness and ability of the firm to maximise profits are not damaged, but ...

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