Robert Mc Farlane (604m3682)                                        8 April 2005

Tutor: Kate                                                                           Tut Time: Friday 10:30

Essay The Transatlantic Slave Trade                                

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1368 words.

Do the African suppliers of slaves bear as much responsibility for the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade as the European traders?

This essay will deal with whether the African suppliers of slaves are as responsible for the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade as the European traders, in working toward a conclusion several avenues will be explored in order to establish whether or not the blame falls evenly. The areas that will be explored are the pre existing slave trade in Africa and whether this was merely an extension of the African trade across the sea, focus will next be drawn to whether or not the African slave suppliers where aware of the conditions they where selling their people into. Finally attention will be drawn to the shift in African economies due to the slave trade and it will be explored if the shift in these economies due to slave trade had any impact on the sale of slaves and changed the way the African slave traders operated, the impact on African growth will also be dealt with.

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With the arrival of the first slaves from Northern Mauritania in Portugal in 1444 so began the birth of what is now known as the Transatlantic Slave Trade which would forever change the face of the world. However prior to the first sale of slaves from Mauritania to Portugal there was already slavery in Africa, however it had a very different face compared to what it eventually grew into. The slavery practiced in different parts of Africa was not the same as the “chattel slavery” practiced in Europe and America, chattel slavery views slaves merely as a commodity and ...

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