QUESTION:         (Issues relating to project identification)

  • Determine the areas of competence required for the effective execution of the planned project and discuss to what extent these seem to have been foreseen in the project document.
  • Discuss the potential risks associated with the project definition, stating the extent these seem to have been recognized and suggesting remedies that have to deal with or mitigate their effects.
  • Discuss the criteria to validate the need for this project.
  • What is the concept and scope of the project? To what extent would you think this has been well articulated given the resources and target group?
  • Summarize risks associated with the project into internal (un systematic) and external (systematic).



The Northern Uganda and West Nile regions have suffered from insurgency for the last 18years. This has lead to the emergency of internally displaced persons with heavy reliance on donor and government support. The growing over dependency and increasing poverty levels in this region has raised concern. This pilot project therefore seeks to improve household food security and incomes of internally displaced persons and demobilized communities.


Project title:

Improving house hold food security and incomes of the Internally

Displaced Persons and Demobilized Communities for sustainable Livelihood in Northern Uganda.

Project Number:        UGA/01/002/21.06.

Project Objectives:        

The Project Objectives were identified in line with the Uganda Government’s plan for modernization of Agriculture [PMA] and the poverty eradication action plan with further aims of access to extend services to the rural smallholder farmers and improving their skills for sustainable management of natural and agricultural resources.



  • Improvement of agriculture production at household levels through promotion of appropriate technologies and enhancement of extension services.
  • Increase in household incomes through marketing of produce and improved access to the financial resources.
  • Identifying and promoting various Environmental conservation initiatives geared at promoting best land management practices for Environmental conservation.

Specific Objectives

  • Empowering Women in IDP camps economically by training them in Income generating activities and persuading them to send their Girls to School.
  • The Project has identified the Children and youth as Vulnerable group and will aim to train them in income generating activities and further introduce them to Vocational training.

Question1: Determine the areas of competence required for the effective execution of the planned project and discuss to what extent these seem to have been foreseen in the project document.

There are eight competence areas for effective execution of project activities as discussed below.

  1.  Integration Management

A Project typically has more than one stakeholder with conflicting views, therefore it’s upon the executors to identify the different stakeholders and direct them.The executors should have good negotiation skills and appreciate the need to keep good documentation.In order to fully understand and appreciate integration management, the executors must identify the different stakeholders. For this project, stake holders include;

  • The Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development.
  • The Implementing Agents: Africa 2000 Network and Hunger Alert.
  • Collaborating Institution; District Promotion Centers, Enterprise Uganda, Community Based Organizations. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. NARO, FAO, Office for Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs,GEF, NGO’s
  • Other Institutions and Organizations. World Food Program, Uganda Grain Traders, schools and institutions
  • The Communities of targeted clients.

However, it is noted in the Project document that other important stakeholders were not mentioned and these are;

  • Religious Organization
  • Security Organizations
  • Local opinion leaders

 The project document does not articulate if the various stakeholders were involved in the designing of the project, which is an important prerequisite for effective and efficient execution of the project.

Good documentation is another required competence for integration management.

The Project management team should have a versed experience in the maintenance of good documentation. The historical data will be used as the baseline for evaluation.

The Project seems to have realized the need for good documentation, which is reflected in the budget estimates of U$ 10,000 in the final year of the Project. For sustained competence the budget for documentation should have been spread out to cover the entire Project Period, including the baseline survey.. This seems to have been restricted only to the final year of the project.

Good negotiating skills is a key requirement for effective project integration management.

For the Project to be successful the executors should have good negotiating skills in order to integrate the views of different stakeholders. The Project coordinator should possess such skills for effective management of the Project. This was well articulated in the realization for the need for Training in Advocacy and negotiating skills among the activities.

  1. Scope Management Competence 

The Scope must be clearly defined and the activities selected should re-enforce the achievements of the Objectives.

The project coordinator should have the ability to effectively control the resources of the project.


  • Train in on-farm and harvest management.
  • Provide high yield crop varieties.
  • Train farmers in marketing and business skills
  • Sensitization of the communities.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Training in natural resource management.
  • Documenting and report writing
  • Training in savings and credit management.

The Project seems to have well articulated the Objectives and the activities that will enable their fulfillment. The budget well caters for the training of farmers and other stakeholders as reflected, though the training materials and learning Aids were phase out in the final year of the Project. It is our considered opinion that this should be extended to cover the final year in case of any change in contents.

  1. Time Management competence

   Time is one of the major stress factors project managers face,managers have to deal with deadlines and other time constraints.The basic way not to loose time is by getting into the a routine of making “To Do “ lists and Reminders.

Prioritize by separating tasks in order of importance and deal with them at a time.

The Project is estimated to have started in April 2004 and end in      

April 2006, but to date its still in a Draft form.

There should be a time frame clearly breaking down the work structures to ensure better control and monitoring.

  1. Cost Management competence

This will ensure that costs are controlled and fall within the budget. The Project document has well defined the budget and the costs that fall under each activity. There is also provision by the implementing Agencies to give both financial and technical reports to ALD quarterly.

The Project has further earmarked Us$ 3000 per year as Audit costs.

  1. Quality Management competence

   Quality is in built in the Project and is a continuous process from start to end. The Project log frame has clearly catered for the continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure quality is achieved. However no clear perfomance indicators are spelt out.

For better quality there should be organizational breakdown structure and clear information flow.

Though involving NARO, there are no specified parameters to evaluate the level of quality.

  1. Communication skills competence

Considering the different stakeholders with differing views on approach and strategy, communication skills are crucial at all levels in order to keep all stakeholders duly informed. Further more there should be easy retrieval of information.

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The A2N Training Programme revolve among others on –

  • Analytical skills development – A2N will facilitate efforts towards the development and introduction of approaches aimed at enhancing people’s capacities for development. This will be done through farmer participatory approaches like methods for the activity participation [MAP].
  • Information Dissemination – The promotion of information exchange will be a major activity of the network and it involves documentation and dissemination of farmer’s experiences and those of development workers.

The following are the major networking tools that the Network uses in information exchange –

  • Publication on – Environmental Management

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