Snow Geese Inn - break even and profit calculation.

Authors Avatar by dhimabindu10 (student)

Snow Geese Inn

1) Last year (before Maggie) what was breakeven (in room/nights and $s)? Did they

make a profit?  What was the maximum profit that could be made?


Per information given,

Number of rooms available for rent = 5 (This number remains same before and after hiring Maggie. Last year, Phil And Carol occupied one room to throw cocktail parties and this year Maggie occupies one room)

Fixed Expenses = $27,239

Variable Expenses = $3,729

Sales Revenue = $30,000

At break-even, Sales Revenue is equal to the sum of Fixed Expenses and Variable Expenses.

Therefore,         $85 * Q = $27,239 + $3,729

                Q = 30968/85

                Q = 364

So, to break even they should rent 364 rooms per year, which means they should rent out one room daily. The break even in dollars is $30,968.

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The Snow Gees Inn was operating at loss last year.

If all the available rooms are rented out on all 365 days of an year, the revenue would be 365 * 5 * $85 = $155,125.

Number of rooms rented in the previous year = 30,000/85 = 353

So, Variable expense per room = $3,729/353 = $10.56

Therefore, total Variable Expense = $19,272

So, maximum profit that could be made is $93,614. (Difference of revenue and expenses)

2) With Maggie, what is the new breakeven?  Is this a realistic possibility?  What should

they do?


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