The aim of this report is to analysis the share price and firm size with statistics tools (SPSS) between manufacture and service sector.

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Investors always pay more attention to share price in a stock market and use many complicated technique to analysis the trend of price. As a result, that may overlook some important factors such as revenue, profit and employees which are fundamental compositions of a company’s size and a potential support to share price,  Some researchers state that the distinction between the effect of firm size and share price is important for the direction of future trend(Brockman.1997) while others argue that focusing on sectors is more important than on individual stocks. So, it is necessary to analysis the share price between sectors as well as illustrates some possible relation with size.

Therefore, the aim of this report is to analysis the share price and firm size with statistics tools (SPSS) between manufacture and service sector.

Data Collection

To make the result more reliable, the data collection is a crucial step. In this case, the primary data are required

The data collecting procedure including the following steps:

1. Defining the population of shares number from the stock market. Here, the research focuses on Fortune 500 for they delegate main stream of stock market in the world.

2. Selecting 500 shares of manufacture sector and 500 shares of service factor from Fortune website and input them into tables with SPSS software.

3. Using SPSS to random 20 cases out of 500 companies in manufacture sector as well as in service factor.

4. Searching for share prices and other data related to companies’ size. The sizes are limited to three factors: revenue, profit and the number of employees. These three factors are main criteria for evaluate a company’s scale. Producing these two sectors tables as spreadsheets.

5.  Ranking price within these two tabled samples as ascending order.(Figure:1,Figure:2)

There are some assumptions and conditions related to the above procedures:

1. The samples are completely random.

2. The samples selected are representatives of all population.

3. Each score within the sample is independent of all other scores. There are not influences among them.

4. All data are collected in the same time.

Figure 1: Manufacture Data

Figure 2: Service Sector

The Research Methodology

The research procedure will begin with a description of the prices and size with presentation of graphs and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test are used to check the normality of scores. Following that, T-test is used to assess if there is significant difference in share price between two sectors. Then, Chi-Square test can be used to search for some possible relations between the price and firm size. If relations are reported, tests such as the linear correlation and linear regression are necessary for further illustration.

Distribution of Data

To do the following research, it is important to assess if the share price and size variables are approximate normally distributed. The assessment includes following steps:

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  1. Display the data distribution for price and size variables (revenue, profit and employee) with graphs in two sectors. Graphs show as following:

  1. Manufacture Sector:

  1. Service Sector:


  1. It can be seen that all graphs have a hump, the distributions are unimodal.
  2. Both the share price and profit in two sectors show symmetric curves.

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