The economic impact of a US led attack against Iraq will be felt across the globe. With the use of supply and demand diagrams analyse the impact of war.

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Essay topic 2

“Oil is key as bush agrees month delay. All diplomatic, political and military considerations now point to war being timetables for the first week in March” (Sunday Herald, 26th January 2003)

The economic impact of a US led attack against Iraq will be felt across the globe. With the use of supply and demand diagrams analyse the impact of war on the following;

        a) The market for oil

        b) The market for air travel with budget airlines

        c) The market for gas masks

Another Persian Gulf War is the greatest risk facing the world economy. The availability of crude oil remains an important factor. A war could disrupt the availability of crude oil and trigger a sharp rise in oil prices. Even though Saudi Arabia currently has the capacity to raise its own production levels by more than Iraqi exports. But looking at a less favourable setting, the conflict could easily spread and significantly disturb the oil supplies if for example all the Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia’s oil production facilities are damaged. Other disruptions could occur through a possible boycott on OPEC.

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The demand for oil is exceptionally high, as the modern world needs a constant supply of oil especially industrialized countries such as Japan. As there consumption is met completely by imports from mainly the Middle East, Industrialized countries remain highly sensitive to oil price shocks. Disturbances to the supply of oil could easily trigger a new energy crisis with serious effects on the world economy.


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