Grapewater is a completely natural product that prevents, treats, and soothes abdominal pain and the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract of infants during their first year of life.

Grapewater is a breakthrough in terms of the special combination of natural aromatic oils that enable the infant and the parents to overcome the digestive problems that accompany large numbers of newborns.

Grapewater contains no preservatives, flavor and odor additives, sugars or alcohol, and therefore can be used as much as needed by the infant, without restriction or concern, and without the need for a doctor’s prescription.

Grapewater is manufactured and tested under the supervision of physicians and pharmacists according to the most stringent standards, and has been used for the past fourteen years by tens of thousands of infants, who thanks to the product became calm, comfortable and tranquil.

The problem of infant colic

The phenomenon of accumulated gas in the digestive system, known as infant or newborn colic, is one of the most common problems suffered by newborns (studies indicate that at least 50% of newborns suffer from this problem), and is the source of frustration and helplessness among parents, who are concerned over the baby’s suffering, and who themselves suffer from their child’s crying and lack of rest and sleep.

The major symptom of colic is continuous crying for a long time by any criterion, at all hours of the day and generally growing worse in the evening. The infant is ill at ease and it is easy to see that he is suffering – he is spasmodic, his stomach hardens, and his face becomes red with effort. Many infants refuse to eat and become agitated immediately after a meal. The baby has difficulty in falling asleep and in staying deeply asleep for any length of time.

Infant colic is not a severe medical problem, and studies indicate that these infants eat and develop normally. However, treatment of the problem is essential due to the effect of the infant’s crying and distress on those surrounding him. Throughout the years there have been reports of hundreds of cases where babies suffering from colic were mistreated or neglected by parents who were unable to deal with the problem, and became antagonistic towards the infant.

Conventional medicine has not yet defined the reason for colic or the appropriate treatment, and consequently physicians and pharmacists today tend to recommend that parents use natural, alternative medicine products.

 The many studies held on the problem have raised several assumptions as to the reason for the accumulation of gas in the infant’s digestive system:

  1. Not all digestive juices and enzymes necessary for digestion have formed.

2.        The infant’s food consists largely of milk (lactose) which causes gas.

3.        The breast-feeding mother’s unsuitable diet.

4.        Milk substitutes that are not suitable for the infant.

5.        Air is swallowed while eating.

  1. Attention-seeking and the infant’s desire to be with his mother.

On the basis of our considerable experience in treating infant colic, we recommend that along with the use of Grapewater, several steps be taken that contribute to the treatment’s success:

        If the infant feeds from a bottle, try changing the milk substitute to a different one or to a non-dairy formula.

        Take care that no air enters the bottle while the infant is feeding.

        If the infant is nursing, try changing the mother’s diet and refraining from spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, pulses, cabbage, broccoli, and other vegetables that cause gas.

        Make sure the infant “burps” after each meal.

        Change the infant’s eating position.

Additionally, it is important to calm the infant, and therefore it is worthwhile trying several of the following tips:

✓        Place the infant in a baby-carrying device.

✓        Place a blanket on the infant’s stomach.

✓        Gently massage the infant’s stomach.

✓        Keep the baby in perpetual motion.

✓        Place him near a source of constant noise.

✓        Take him for a ride in the car or a walk outside.

✓        Let the infant suck a pacifier.

✓        Take a bath with him.

✓        Parents are recommended to get some rest. An infant suffering from colic can be a source of pressure and frustration and a difficult challenge, especially if he is the first child.

From yesterday’s “magic drops” to today’s Grapewater

It all began fourteen years ago in Yael Ben Amara’s small, modest pharmacy.

Ms. Ben Amara, who had just established her business, had a son who suffered badly from colic. The infant, who cried incessantly day and night, made the family’s life difficult and also prevented Ms. Ben Amara from managing her business properly. In desperation, she consulted the medical records and writings left to her by her father, a chemist and expert on herbal remedies in Morocco in World War II, and found mention of a unique natural compound known for its properties in alleviating infant colic. Ms. Ben Amara reconstructed the special mixture, made several adjustments on the basis of her rich experience in homeopathy and herbal remedies, and tried it for the first time on her baby son. The results were astounding, and Ms. Ben Amara began mixing the compound for her friends and customers. Over the years, rumors of the wondrous mixture spread, and many parents visited Ms. Ben Amara’s pharmacy to buy the “magic drops”, as they became known. Ms. Ben Amara simultaneously conducted ongoing research to improve and formalize the special formula, which now serves in the production of Grapewater. The effectiveness that sets Grapewater apart from other substances and medications is the direct outcome of no less than 12 years of research, which enabled Ms. Ben Amara to arrive at the optimum formula.

What is Grapewater?

Grapewater is a unique formula consisting of natural ingredients that is able to cure and prevent the distress shared by infants and their families as a result of colic. Grapewater is easy and safe to use, as it is in fact a food supplement, and at the same time is far more efficient that any existing medication claiming to cure the problem of infant colic. Grapewater is unique thanks to its ingredients – a special, revolutionary blend consisting of aromatic oils produced from fennel, anise, peppermint and glycerin.

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◆        Fennel oil: European in origin, fennel oil is produced from the seeds of the plant and has a sweet aniseed smell. Fennel oil is known for its ability to decompose gases and stimulate digestion. The oil fortifies the digestive system and bowels and is effective in the treatment of digestive problems of all kinds, including upset stomach, gas, cramps and constipation. Its purifying properties are beneficial in helping the body to cleanse itself of poisonous substances.

◆        Aniseed oil: Originating in southern China, the oil is derived from the dried fruits of the anise plant. The oil improves and ...

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