You are the Finance Manager of a large company and you have been asked to write a report explaining your role to other senior managers using the headings below to give them a clearer understanding of your objectives and responsibilities.

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You are the Finance Manager of a large company and you have been asked to write a report explaining your role to other senior managers using the headings below to give them a clearer understanding of your objectives and responsibilities. Limit your answer to the categories listed below.

  1. Explain the benefits and disadvantages of a company raising additional  finance through (a) Equity or alternatively (b) Debt.                            

  1. Explain two ways in which internal sources of finance can be more effectively be managed to avoid the use of any external sources of funding.        

  1. Explain the main objectives of a Finance Manager and how these can be equated to maximising the ordinary share price of the business.                  

  1. Additional marks will be awarded for structure, appropriate written style, accurate referencing and presentation.                                              

The benefits and disadvantages of a company raising additional finance

There are many different ways for a business to raise additional finance when needed, the most common methods used to raise capital are through equity and debt finance.

Equity finance is actually share that has been invested into a business by shareholders, this is normally a long term investment by individuals who see potential for positive returns on their investments. In return the shareholders receive a certain amount of ownership in the company and a certain degree of control in the company, this depends on how much is invested by the investor and the terms that are laid out by the company issuing shares.

One negative that is associated with equity finance is the fact that for potential investors it is seen as a risk as the investors money shares the same risks as the business in terms of value and bankruptcy.

When trying to raise extra capital equity is generally more appropriate than other sources of finance for larger companies but also possesses its owns disadvantages.

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The most prominent advantage for using equity finance is that the investor’s money can be used for whatever purpose the business requires it for, and that there is no interest charged on the amount invested as it is normally with loans who charge interest on money lent. Also shareholders are rewarded through dividends that can be issued whenever the business deems relevant. So if the investment has not gone to plan then it is not compulsory that the business will have to pay out large amounts of money in dividends.

Another advantage for the business is that certain ...

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