Should Parents Be Allowed To Use Corporal Punishment to Correct Their Children?
Corporal Punishment
Jonathan Wang
Should Parents Be Allowed To Use Corporal Punishment to Correct Their Children? My answer is yes. But should the government allow the teachers in school to be allowed to use corporal punishment? My answer will be yes and no.
Corporal punishment is dismissed by many parents to be cruel. In some cases this could be true but on the whole I would probably agree with the statement. It was abolished in the early 60´s in most of Britain but carried on in some schools until 1965. According to the research and surveys from the elders, children are becoming worse behaved then before. I also agree with the surveys, because if you look at the amount of child offenders you will see that they have steadily increased throughout the decades. If people are punished just by telling them what they did bad then they will do it again knowing that they would not be dealt with any physical or severely punished. Another issue is the government also has asked the school to expel less people from schools, which will also encourage students to break the school rules, which will increase the rate of juveniles.