Teaching and learning activities

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Unit 103

Teaching and learning activities


As part of my practice I currently teach a module on “National Diploma of Travel and Tourism” as part of one year EDEXEL Level 3 BTEC course. The overall learning is primarily in the cognitive domain (knowledge on the structure of travel and tourism industry) and affective domain (building confidence, encouraging attention and participation). Each lesson lasts for one hour.

I have 14 students in my group. Most of them are in the 16-17 age range and have come to college straight from school. I have observed that the students naturally fall into groups of two, free and occasionally four people and unless explicitly encouraged, will tend to remain with the same group of familiar friends for any small group work.

Review the range of teaching and learning activities available to promote open access and widening participation.

There are many teaching strategies that can be employed to actively engage students in the learning process. Reece and Walker (2003) divided them into three group sizes to which they are most applicable: large groups, small groups and individual.

The strategies that are appropriate to large groups are:

  • Lecture
  • Demonstration
  • Team teaching
  • Discussion/ Debate
  • Question and Answer
  • Video

The strategies that are appropriate to small groups are:

  • Seminar
  • Workshop
  • Worksheets
  • Gaming/Quiz
  • Brainstorming
  • Buzz Group
  • Field Trip
  • Role Play
  • Ice Breaker
  • Simulation
  • Case study

Appropriate activities for individuals are:

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  • Project/assignment
  • One-to-one(coaching)

The benefits of using such activities are many. They include:

  • Encourage participation
  • Improve critical thinking skills
  • Increase retention and transfer of new information
  • Increase motivation
  • Improve interpersonal skills

Many of these activities are also appropriate as out-of-classroom activities. Presentation materials, tasks and other resources can be made available to students who can’t attend all or some of the lessons.

Use an appropriate selection from those available, during your teaching.

Good teaching is not just about choosing appropriate content for lessons, but about designing appropriate activities and developing skills needed to ...

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