1.        Ancient Egypt        

1)        Introduction        

2)        The Pharaohs        

3)        Diet        

4)        Education        

5)        Entertainment        

6)        Monuments        

7)        The Main Events of Ancient Egypt.        

8)        Worshipping Cats        

9)        The most famous Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt.        

2.        Ancient Rome        

10)        INTRODUCTION        

11)        ROMAN SOCIETY        

12)        ROMAN VILLAS        

13)        THE ROMAN DAY        

14)        ROMAN BATHS        

15)        ROMAN DRESS        

16)        ROMAN EMPERORS        

17)        ROMAN EMPIRE        


19)        ENTERTAINMENT        

  1. Ancient Egypt

  1. Introduction

Ancient Egypt was the homeland of one of the earliest and greatest civilizations known to man. These truly amazing people were The Ancient Egyptians. This civilization began in about 3100 BC up until about 1070 BC. The Egyptians were recognized for their richness and sophistication. They built huge monuments such as the great pyramids, which still stand here today. They evolved a great system of government, the invention of irrigation and hieroglyphics, and the beginnings of astronomy, mathematics, medicine and great artistic skill.

  1. The Pharaohs

The pharaoh controlled the most power. As a living god he was the high priest in everything in Egypt. The pharaoh was supported by a large number of advisers and officials. Scribes were employed to administer the land, the law, the army and the temples. The pharaoh was the ultimate authority. The pharaoh was accepted by all as the source of justice. He was responsible for making any laws. One of the most famous pharaohs was probably Tutankhamen. The British archaeologist Howard Carter and his patron Lord Carnarvon discovered his tomb in 1922. They found his tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

The death mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen is made of gold inlaid with lapis lazuli and carnelian. The mask comes from the innermost mummy case in the pharaoh’s tomb and stands 54 cm (21 in) high.


Slavery was not common in Egypt; it only became noteworthy during the New Kingdom when the citizens of a conquered land were taken from then on as slaves.

The types of food the Ancient Egyptians had varied from their class. The staple food of peasants was cereals, bread and beer, which is the most common drink the Egyptians were credited for inventing.

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  1. Diet

The diet of those in a higher class generally consisted of vegetables and fruits such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, figs and fish which was the most common due to the river Nile. Ordinary people did not eat meat, perhaps only at festivals in which beef seems to have been the most common of all the meats they had. The rich however ate a lot of meat such as, Antelope and Gazelle, regularly. They had much more of a varied diet. Instead of having a peasants two meal a day, they had three meals a day. ...

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