Greek and Roman theatre

Theatrical context (socio - political environment at the time).


Dark ages from 11th – 9th century BC. Mycenaean civilisation built during these times. That collapsed and Greek civilisation started. Then more dark ages. Homers Iliad and Odyssey were born out of this time.


Decline of Greek government coincided with the rise of the roman republic and subsequent empire. Had emperors and senators but the government didn’t pay a huge part in the theatre. Emperors used the amphitheatres more and put on gladiator shows, etc rather than plays.

Why do I personally think this type of theatre emerged according to historical epoch?


Worshipped the god Dionysus (Zeus’ son). They honoured him by holding a festival every winter to bring dead world back to life. Also one in spring to celebrate renewal of life. Very ritualistic with orgiastic dancing by women. This festival started in Attica, north Greece. It was introduced to Athens in 6th century BC by Pesistratus. ‘Theatre’ was born. Four separate festivals of Dionysus but it was at the city of Dionysia where poet - playwrights competed for top prizes.

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Romans borrowed extensively from Greek theatre and then modified it. They too worshipped gods in festivals – Dionysus was not one of their gods but perhaps they used the idea to worship their own gods. Also many Romans had nothing to do and so theatre was needed for entertainment.

Treatment of character, plot and language.


Chorus and their leader, lines chanted rather than spoken. Used masks and high-soled boots to add height to the actors. Limited movements. Comedies put on at winter festival of god Dionysus and grew more popular during the decline of the Greek government. ...

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