Mein Kampf - a philosophical introduction to what became the Nazi fascist Third Reich under Hitler.

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On November 9th 1923 Hitler tried and failed to seize power in Munich in the famous “Beer Hall putsch”. Briefly he had managed to proclaim a “National Republic”. He was arrested, tried for high treason and on April 1st 1924 sentenced to 5 yrs in prison. After less than 8 months in prison, Hitler was released on parole. However, during the 8 months he had begun a lengthy account of his life and thought. This he entitled Mein Kampf, My Struggle, of which the first volume was published on 18th July 1925. It ultimately became the bible of the Nazi faith.

Mein Kampf is in many ways a philosophical introduction to what became the Nazi fascist Third Reich under Hitler. It lays out the theoretical groundwork for the functioning fascist state, the concept of a "master race," and the scapegoating that turned into the most violent convulsion of racist madness in history. It was a potpourri of semi truth and downright lies, combined with an uncanny insight into mob mentality. It was easier to tell big lies than little ones, Hitler wrote.

In it the full fury of Hitler’s anti-Jewish hatred was made clear: he explains that he is drawing upon his personal experiences as a young man in Vienna before the first world war. He had come to Vienna in February 1908, shortly before his 19th birthday, and had remained there until May 1913. Every page of Hitler’s recollections contained references to the Jews of Vienna and their evil influence. “the part which the Jews played in the social phenomenon of prostitution,” he wrote, “and more especially in the white slave traffic, could be studied here [in Vienna] better than in any other West European city”.

In Mein Kampf Hitler argued that there were two perils threatening “the existence of the German people”, Marxism and Judaism. It was in Vienna, he wrote, that he had discovered the truth about the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the world of the “Aryan” by means of political infiltration and corruption, using as its tool the Social Democratic party and as its victim, the working class. This word “Aryan” was a linguistic term, originally referring to the indo-European group of languages. Since before the end of the 19th century it had already been distorted as a concept by a number of writers, among them Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who gave it racial connotations, and used it to denote superiority over the “Semitic” races. Yet the term “Semitic” itself was originally not a racial but a linguistic term, relating not to Jews and Non-Jews, but to a language group which includes Hebrew and Arabic. None of these refinements troubled the new racialism. For Hitler, “Aryan” was synonymous with “pure”, while Semitic was synonymous with “Jew” and hence “impure”.

Mein Kampf dwells especially on Hitler’s views on the significance of race in culture and social systems, and particularly on his perception of the role of Aryans and Jews  in culture creation and/or destruction. It started with the idea that one race was superior. Not the "white race," per se, but rather a subset of it, the "Aryans" -- Germans and Nordic types, light-skinned white people. Slavs, such as Eastern Europeans and Russians, were not counted among Hitler's "great race."

Racial ideologies and theories were not an exclusively German discovery. The word Rasse (Race) is thought to derive from the Arabic ras (meaning “beginning”, Origin”, “head”). It entered the German language in the 17th century as a loan word from English and French. Racial anthropology was much discussed amongst German theologians, scientists, philosophers, politicians and writers. For example, the German physician Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) employed cranial measurements, in order to categorize the races in terms of “intelligence, morality and beauty”. In a book published in 1798, entitled Outline of the History of Humanity, the philosopher Christoph Meiners (1745-1810) categorizes the people of the world according to their “beauty” or their “ugliness”. The “Fair peoples were superior to all others, in terms of both beauty and intellectual achievements. By contrast he says that the “darker colored peoples” were ugly and semi civilized. In Germany, racial ideologies enjoyed the widest currency and the greatest political salience: The third Reich became the first state in world history whose dogma was to practice racism.

It is not certain which racialist works Hitler actually read, however, it is certain that Hitler knew the most important racial anthropological, racial-hygienic, and racial anti-Semitic theories which, in Mein Kampf, he later turned into a comprehensive self contained, racial political program. One of the theories that probably influenced Hitler was the tradition of “teutomonia” and its attendant ideology which commenced with the rediscovery of Tacitus’ Germania. In the literal renaissance reading, the ancient German tribesmen were assumed to have been brave, simple, pure and self disciplined, as well as tall, blond, and blue eyed in appearance.

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Mein Kampf contains three axioms fundamental to racist thought. The first is the claim that only those living things which produce healthy offspring with one another constitute a race. Secondly, Hitler presupposes the existence of “higher and “lesser” races. Hitler claimed that the “Aryans” alone were the “culture creating race”. The “Jewish race” was the embodiment of evil. The third axiom was that among humans as well as animals there was and should be, an “urge towards racial purity”. Interbreeding between the races would result in “bastardization” and a deterioration of racial “value”. Hitler thus promoted the idea of racial ...

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