Nuclear Deterrence: Have nuclear weapons deterred India and Pakistan from going to war?

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Q. Nuclear Deterrence: Have nuclear weapons deterred India and Pakistan from going to war?


The aim of this report is to see whether the nuclear weapons protect a country by deterring potential aggressors from attacking. By threatening massive retaliation, the argument goes; nuclear weapons prevent an attacker India and Pakistan from starting a war and make south Asia safer.

  1. Why is it important case in the international relations?

  1.  The understanding of nuclear weapons acting as a deterrent could create incentives among non nuclear states to consider developing nuclear capability.

  1. It is big issue because the rest of the world will take lessons from the South Asian situation.  If countries decide that Pakistan withstood pressure from militarily stronger India, they might view nuclear weapons as a positive asset.  If they see that nuclear weapons internationalized the conflict, making it more difficult for either country to pursue its national interests, nuclear weapons might appear less attractive.

  1.  Countries that might consider nuclear weapons, particularly certain countries in the Middle East will watch to see how the world, especially the United States. States want to know the international cost of developing such weapons.  Most countries, however, will decide whether to pursue nuclear capability based on their perceptions of their own interests, which depends on their region.

  1.  It is important issue because if India and Pakistan demonstrate that nuclear weapons provide prestige and power to a country, other countries might want to do the same.

  1.  “India, Pakistan and Israel, countries which outside the traditional nonproliferation regime that are generally known to own nuclear weapons are in their own category, and their actions would have little if any affect on other countries”.(1)

  1. Politically, Nuclear weapons might have deterred war in the short term, but they have in no way improved the relationship between India and Pakistan. The own of nuclear weapons has increased nationalist attitudes that are incompatible with deterrence, in addition the countries feel they can use their nuclear arsenals for diplomatic and strategic coercion.
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  1. Methodology

      The objective of this report is to diagnose whether the war is near to go, in the following points will discuss what were the reasons for India and Pakistan not going to war, did really the nuclear weapons helped not to bring nuclear war between India and Pakistan and did the nuclear weapons played role that made war an impossibility between them?.

4.0 Analysis                      Is nuclear deterrence worked or not in India and Pakistan?


         4.1   Have nuclear weapons made war impossibility ...

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