Why was Hadrian’s Wall constructed?

Stuart Edwards 2003

Hadrian’s Wall was built between Carlisle in the west and Newcastle in the East. The wall is 55 miles in length. It was constructed in 120 A.D under the order of the visiting Roman emperor Hadrian. The wall was built 80 years after the Roman conquest of Britain. The Roman Empire now at its prime had expanded form a small city state into a large empire spanning most of the ancient world, had just come out of a period of expansion, Hadrian decided that this had to change and ordered defensive frontiers to be built all along the empire’s borders. There was an original front line further into Scotland, Antoine’s wall, but it was found too rural and distant to supply or support so it was abandoned and the Romans fell back to The Stanegate road.  The Stanegate road was built by Agricola and served as a major supply routes for the legionnaires defending the northern frontier Rome normally used natural defences to protect its borders these defensive lines included deserts and rivers but in northern Britain it was built out of stone, which was a common resource in that area. When the wall was being built the resources and the manpower came form the legions guarding the frontier. Each centurion was given a part of the wall to build; along this stretch of wall they would place a hallmark stone so their commander would know who built that particular part of the wall. Different groups were awarded on the speed, quality and quantity of their work but then others were punished. The wall was built along natural defences, including cliffs and ridges. The walls northern side always was on top of a hill giving the Romans the advantage of height and the advantage of been able to see the enemy from a distance. The wall fallowed a strict construction plan, at first the wall was to be only three metres wide but as it became apparent that the Romans had underestimated the resistance they would receive the wall was extended to 5 metres wide. There were mile forts all along the wall and guard towers. These fortifications were built to a very strict design. The wall was able to have troops walk along for greater and safer movement of the Roman troops.

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It is obvious that one of the main reasons for the construct of the wall was the fact that the empire was in a state of consolidation under Hadrian with borders being constructed, this must be noted as one of the major reasons why the wall was constructed. The wall also did set the boundaries for the Roman province. If the Roman policy of progressing expansion had continued the Romans might have of carried on with the subjection of Britain into Scotland which was occupied by the Caledonian tribes, resulting no need for the wall.

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