A) Outline the main features of Utilitarianism

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A) Outline the main features of Utilitarianism

This essay shall outline the main features of utilitarianism. Firstly it shall

discuss the founders of utilitarianism and analyse their theories and beliefs

regarding utilitarianism. Secondly it shall the different types of utilitarianism. Thirdly it shall analyse the benefits and advantages of utilitarianism and then the disadvantages and the difficulties that arise from it.

Utilitarianism is the most famous teleological theory, it was devised by Jeremy

Bentham.In the introduction to the "Principles of Morals and Legislation" Bentham advocated utilitarianism as the basis for reform, he was very concerned in the conditions in which people lived in and wanted the greatest good for the majority of people. . Bentham claimed that it was possible to decide by scientific means what was morally justifiable by applying the principle of utility. He said that actions were right if they tended to produce "the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people" this was then called the principle of utility. Bentham truly believed that happiness was equivalent for pleasure, and that we should try to increase the overall amount of pleasure in the world.

He established the hedonic calculus, this weighs up the pain and pleasure which are based on duration, propinquity, remoteness or fecundity, purity, intensity, certainty or uncertainty and extent. However if applying even one of these factors, let alone all seven, it causes a problem. For example it is impossible to no the duration of the pleasure or pain, because we would all quantify it differently, some are more susceptible to feeling pain, unlike others who are much stronger. We can never predict the an accurate duration of the pleasure and a some argue that it is not possible for pleasure to be quantified.
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John Stuart Mill was the Godson of Bentham and grew up a utilitarian, he adapted some of the ideas of the Bentham, Mill believed that happiness was the basic standard for utility and not pleasure. Mill adapted his form of the utilitarian theory so that it would reflect the fact that pleasures are not all of equal value, and that he took human nature into account. Mill distinguished that there were two forms of pleasure, higher pleasures and lower pleasures. "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied, better to be Socrates dissatisfied ...

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