Contract Law - Advice concerning the contractual liabilities involved in the transactions.

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Assignment I: Contract Law

Advice concerning the contractual liabilities involved in the transactions

Part I: Advice in relation to the liabilities entailed by the contractual relation between Alana and Masterpiece Transportations

The only contractual liability that can be envisaged in the contractual relation between Alana and Masterpiece is a possible action of Alana against Masterpiece for damages. Approaching the question as to whether a possible action of Alana for damages against Masterpiece Ltd could be deemed successful, one has to look for suitable legal grounds to support such an action.

A.) Valid contract

The first legal question that arises as to a possible action of Alana for damages against Masterpiece is to know whether a legally-enforceable contract has been concluded between Alana and Masterpiece Transportations. Since contractual liability is based on the defendant`s failure to perform an undertaking or promise, a promise is one of the essential elements of contractual liability.

The fact that Masterpiece Transportations is a company is not a problem as to the validity of the contract, since companies are considered legal entities.

Four elements are to be examined: agreement, certainty, contractual intention and consideration.

1.) Agreement

a.) Offer

An offer is the expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed.

The offer could be seen in the advertisement in the Yellow Pages.

An offer, however,  must be distinguished from an invitation to treat. Since Master Piece Transport Limited presumably did not want to be bound by its advertisement in the Yellow Pages as soon as accepted by any reader of the advertisement, the advertisement is to be regarded as a mere invitation to treat.

The telephone call of Alana cannot be seen as offer either, since she does not express on which terms she wants to contract. As a mere inquiry,it has to be regarded as a preliminary communication.

The offer has to be seen in the agreement of Masterpiece over the telephone to carry the works for their normal fee subject to their usual condictions.

b.) Acceptance

An acceptance is an absolute and unconditional assent to the terms proposed by the offeror.

From the point of view of an objective third party in the position of Masterpiece, the fact that Alana makes no further inquiries on fees and conditions can be understood as an absolute and unconditional assent to the terms proposed by Masterpiece Ltd.

2.) Certainty

Alana and Masterpiece Ltd have expressed their agreement in sufficiently certain form. The terms of their agreement are not ambiguous or leave important elements open.

The fact that Masterpiece referres to its normal fee and usual conditions does not cause uncertainty, since the normal fees and usual conditions are objectively certain. Absolute certainty of all the elements of the contract is not required.

3.) Intention to create legal relations

Business relations as the contract between Alana and Materpiece Ltd are presumably concluded with the intention to create legal relations.

4.) Consideration

Not having been concluded by deed, the contract in question is a simple contract. It is valid only if supported by consideration: The consideration can be defined as the price of the promise (Dunlop Pneumatic Lyre Company. Ltd. V. Selfridge and Co. Ltd.). More pricesely, a consideration means, that each party must bring something of value to the agreement. Some return must have been asked for by the offeror from the accepting offeree in return for his promise.

The consideration is to be seen in the agreement on the normal fee. Alana promises in return to the transportation of her goods to pay the fee requested.

The agreement between Alana and Masterpiece Ltd contains all necessary elements.

B.) Vitiating Factors

The agreement is not void or voidable because of any procedural limitations.

A contract has been concluded with the content that Masterpiece Ltd is obliged to transport the goods of Alana and Alana has to pay the normal fees and respect the usual conditions.

The goods did not arrive in London. Eight Hours after the loading of the goods the vehicle is found abandoned and the works have disappeared.

The question is to know whether this failure of executing the contractual obligation from the side of Masterpiece constitutes a breach of the concluded contract.

According to Section 13 in Part II of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982,  in a contract for the supply of service where the supplier is acting in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill.

It can be doubted if this has presently been the case.

The given facts only allow speculation in what has happened to the works.

Maybe the vehicle has been hijacked. In that case Masterpiece can excuse itself. There  won’t be any liability in that case. But Masterpiece bears the onus of evidence.

Maybe the employees have abandoned the vehicle and stolen the works.

In that case, it is to examine whether Masterpiece is responsible for the acting of its driver under the doctrine of vicarious liability. The employer is under certain circumstances liable for the wrongful acts committed by his employees in the course of their employement.

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Presumably, the driver and the people loading the pictures were employees of Masterpiece.

The wrongful act of abandoning the vehicle and taking away the pictures has been committed in the course of their employment.If the wrongful act occurred while the employees were going about their normal work and if it was a careless or wrongful means of performing  that work, the employer will be liable. But there is a problem to hold the employer liable where the accident arises not so much out of a careless manner of performing the job, but out of careless behaviour committed at the same ...

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