Marian is a 37 year old female who appears to be from a middle class background. Marian is currently married (for 17 years) and she and her husband have two daughters aged 9 years and 11 years. I conducted a phone assessment with Marian two weeks earli...

Marian is a 37 year old female who appears to be from a middle class background. Marian is currently married (for 17 years) and she and her husband have two daughters aged 9 years and 11 years. I conducted a phone assessment with Marian two weeks earlier and also spoke with her older sister prior to Marian's arrival at Logan House. At that time I had no idea that I would ask Marian to participate in my assignment however due to the failure of an earlier attempt I approached senior staff at Logan House for their permission. I had been assigned as Marion's counselor for the duration of her stay at Logan House and I sought Marian's permission 2 hours prior to her first counseling session. GHSP 7118 (Counseling for Alcohol and Drug Problems) Process Record Interview Skill Process Analysis Counselor: OK, so this is your first day. Preamble to counseling session. Closed question The purpose of this question was to help me get into Marian's frame of reference in relation to how she was coping since her arrival at Logan House. Client It certainly is. Counselor How's it been? Open-ended question An open friendly invitation to raise whatever concerns she may have wanted to talk about as well as conveying to my client that I was interested in her well-being. Client It's been great (Co: yeah). It was pretty daunting when I first arrived yesterday. Ah, I mean because I

  • Word count: 12013
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Social Capita

Social Capita Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu viewed social capital alongside other forms of 'capital': economic capital, cultural capital, linguistic capital, symbolic capital and so on. Cultural capital refers to the 'tastes' and preferences people have, the sorts of books and art forms that they have access to, their qualifications and so on. In the context of social class analysis, Bourdieu argued that schools appear to treat everyone equally, but in practice they are built on the cultural capital of middle class groups, and thus discriminate against students who do not have this particular cultural capital. Students with the same cultural capital as the school and its 'academic curriculum' tend to fit the cultural assumptions and demands of schooling, including the preferred language forms. For these students, there is usually some continuity between school and home. For students whose cultural capital is different - is not that of the middle class 'mainstream' - school does not have the same ease. Without the assumed continuity between what is done at home and what is done at school, these students must strive to gain the capital that others bring with them. When these students fail at school, schools tend to view them as lacking ability. But Bourdieu argued that this is a 'misrecognition' and misreading of cultural differences (linked to material distinctions) as

  • Word count: 8942
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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On 26 July 1847 Brigham Young and several others climbed to the top which he named "Ensign Peak,".

ENSIGN PEAK Lynn M. Hilton and Hope A. Hilton Utah History Encyclopedia Ensign Peak is the summit of a hill just north of downtown Salt Lake City (1.4 miles north of the Salt Lake temple); in fact, Salt Lake City was built exactly south of Ensign Peak. The peak rises 1,080 feet above the valley floor and stands out as a prominent geological formation evident from all directions. The summit is rounded, devoid of vegetation, and capped with a hard conglomerate stone formation. It is part of the foothills of the Wasatch Range. On 26 July 1847 Brigham Young and several others climbed to the top which he named "Ensign Peak," as he reported the event in his journal. They used the view from the summit to visually explore the entire valley. The significance of the name, according to the pioneers, comes from the biblical prophecy: "He will lift up an ensign unto the nations. . . . He lifteth up an ensign on the mountains." (Isa 5:26; 18:3). The pioneers did not erect the U.S. flag on the Peak on 26 July as widely reported, but they did plan to fly the "Standard of the Nations," an invitation for all nations to immigrate to Utah. The locating of the east side of the temple just south of this Peak comes from the statement of George A. Smith who explained that while still in Nauvoo, Illinois, Brigham Young "had a vision of Joseph Smith who showed him the mountain we now call

  • Word count: 7110
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Making Paradise Now

INTRODUCTION A student at Eastern College had just graduated from college with a degree in education. She was headed out into the world and wondering where her future would lead her. She went and interviewed for a job as a teacher. This particular job was at a very good school and so was quite prestigious and had many good benefits as well. She didn't think that she would have a good chance of landing the job since there were over 300 applicants. But, amazingly, she was the one chosen out of all those applicants. Needless to say, she was ecstatic. She excitedly went and told one of her teachers, Tony Campolo, and asked him, "Aren't you proud of me?" "No." he said. Amazed she asked why he wasn't proud of her for getting the job instead of the 299 other applicants. He replied, "You are telling me that you are going to be doing a job for which there are over 299 other qualified people. Why would you want to be a teacher there when I can give you a job where if you don't become the teacher, there won't be a teacher?" She thought about that and decided not to accept the prestigious job for which she had been accepted. Instead she became a teacher at one of Campolo's schools in Haiti. His ideas of Christians being responsible to bring social justice wherever they see injustice has probably inspired me more than anything else to want to find ways that I can be of the

  • Word count: 6473
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Dis Ticaret Müstesarligi Dergisi - Nisan 2001 sayisinda yayimlanmistir. FINANSAL KIRALAMA YETERINCE BILINMIYOR Erkut ONURSAL Dis Ticaret Uzmani Çankaya Üniversitesi Ögretim Görevlisi Leasing kavrami, bir mala sahip olma yolundaki geleneksel düsüncenin, çagimiz ekonomik anlayisina uygun olarak degisimi sonucu ortaya çikmistir. Asirlar boyunca insanlar varliklarini devam ettirebilmek için mal edinmek yoluyla güçlü olmak zorunlulugunu hissetmisler, mülkiyetin zenginlige, zenginligin güce yol açtigina inanmislar ve dolayisiyla tüm gayretlerini daha çok mal edinmeye yönlendirmislerdir. Çagimizda, daha çok üretim daha fazla kar slogani ile hareket eden mütesebbisler artik mala sahip olma olgusunun yalniz basina yeterli olmadigina, üretim yoluyla kar elde etmenin daha geçerli olduguna inanmaktadirlar. Böylece, yillar önce Aristo'nun " zenginlik bir seye sahip olmaktan çok, onu kullanmakta yatar" düsüncesi, günümüzde dogrulanarak, "bir malin mülkiyeti degil, fakat kullanimi verim getirir" ilkesi biçiminde uygulama alanina aktarilmistir. Mülkiyet ile zenginlik arasindaki münasebetin zayiflamasi, belli üretim araçlarinin mülkiyetine sahip olmadan yalnizca bunlarin kullanim imkanlarina kavusabilme sayesinde üretim yapilabilecegi ve kar temin edilebilecegi, sonuçta zenginlige ulasilabilecegi anlamina gelmektedir. Isletmeler,

  • Word count: 5802
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Finansal kiralama.

. ÖNSÖZ Leasing kavrami, bir mala sahip olma yolundaki geleneksel düsüncenin, çagimiz ekonomik anlayisina uygun olarak degisimi sonucu ortaya çikmistir. Asirlar boyunca insanlar varliklarini devam ettirebilmek için mal edinmek yoluyla güçlü olmak zorunlulugunu hissetmisler, mülkiyetin zenginlige, zenginligin güce yol açtigina inanmislar ve dolayisiyla tüm gayretlerini daha çok mal edinmeye yönlendirmislerdir. Çagimizda, daha çok üretim daha fazla kar slogani ile hareket eden mütesebbisler artik mala sahip olma olgusunun yalniz basina yeterli olmadigina, üretim yoluyla kar elde etmenin daha geçerli olduguna inanmaktadirlar. Böylece, yillar önce Aristo'nun " zenginlik bir seye sahip olmaktan çok, onu kullanmakta yatar" düsüncesi, günümüzde dogrulanarak, "bir malin mülkiyeti degil, fakat kullanimi verim getirir" ilkesi biçiminde uygulama alanina aktarilmistir. Mülkiyet ile zenginlik arasindaki münasebetin zayiflamasi, belli üretim araçlarinin mülkiyetine sahip olmadan yalnizca bunlarin kullanim imkanlarina kavusabilme sayesinde üretim yapilabilecegi ve kar temin edilebilecegi, sonuçta zenginlige ulasilabilecegi anlamina gelmektedir. Isletmeler, piyasadaki rakipleriyle mücadelenin yanisira varliklarinin devami için gelisen teknolojiyi de izlemek zorundadirlar. Isletmelerin öz kaynaklari ile karlarinin bir bölümünün, makine ve

  • Word count: 5789
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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The Veil; Reasons Behind Its Removal

Sarah El Tarzi 900010574 The Veil; Reasons Behind Its Removal Dr. Chad Haines Anthropology 380 Research paper Introduction: Having seen the contradicting opinions regarding the concept of the veiled teenager, I have always been interested in the stories behind why a teenage girl, 20 years or younger, would decide to be veiled and a few months later decide that she should not be. The issue of being veiled at such an early (in my personal opinion) age was one that was frequently visited in several classes and among my friends, and I saw this as an opportunity to research the topic further. I study psychology at the American University in Cairo, and since I am immensely interested in how a person comes to decisions and behaves certain ways. I never understood the idea behind being veiled at such an early age, not only because no one in my family is veiled, but actually because some people who I was acquainted with got veiled (later removing it). Choosing to be veiled is a serious and sensitive subject that requires the person to be fully certain of their beliefs since they are choosing to conduct their lives in a different way than they had before. The magnitude of faith that is involved in this decision is something that impressed me, but was shattered when almost 70% of the people that I was familiar with ended up taking the veil off later. I decided that perhaps

  • Word count: 5639
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Transcript landscape of Shakyra.

INRODUCTION My client is Shakyra. She is 19 years old and is a 2nd year student reading B. Commerce at The University. She looked like a very relaxed client, dressed up casual/smart, in black trousers, a pair of heels, and a top. At the beginning she seemed to feel a bit awkward, but then when she got going she was very talkative, and in fact didn't hesitate much when presenting herself with the problem. She interrupted me very quickly at the beginning, and I left her free to talk and open up. Her voice is very strong, and this immediately made it evident to me that she is a very determined person. Although I have known the client for approximately a year, we never had the opportunity to speak much about this problem. The session is mainly based on a client who was accepted to go and study in Perugia, Italy for the duration of one semester (3/4 months). Only five students are accepted to go, and because she was accepted, she now doubts whether she should go or not go. She knows there are both advantages and disadvantages; however she can't make up her mind. The problem she presented herself with is that she is confused. Although she has a number of people who are pushing her to go, she feels they can't decide for her and that it's her decision in the end. She was very nervous about the whole problem, and her body language (non verbal communication) showed all this,

  • Word count: 4856
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Autobiographical piece and reflective commentary. December 5th, 2009. I am standing in the freezing wind on the doorstep of a womens refuge in Plymouth.

The Refuge December 5th, 2009. I am standing in the freezing wind on the doorstep of a women’s refuge in Plymouth. Three weeks till Christmas, and there I am, no suitcases, no belongings, just the clothes I am standing in. I ring the bell and the door is opened by Estelle, the woman I had spoken to on the phone earlier. She takes me through to the office and sits me down. I feel as if I am not there, there is a sort of transcendental feeling to all this. It is as if I am not in my body, I am listening to someone else answer her questions. How many times had he been violent? What were my current injuries? Did I have a police crime number for the latest incident? These are the questions I think she asked me, though I cannot be sure; I think I was in shock. Not so much shock of the latest incident, but shock that I was there. A new recruit so to speak; the latest guest at the home for battered women (this is how my current boyfriend describes it when he speaks of it; not very PC I know, but then he isn’t the PC type). How had it come to this? I had such hopes when I moved to Plymouth, such dreams. We had the odd tiff even then, but it’s funny how the mind forgets the bad sometimes in order to paint a more romantic picture. I think I wanted him so badly, I didn’t want to see the signs that all was not well. We never do, do we? Maybe broken relationships don’t all end

  • Word count: 4391
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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lost hearts

"Lost Hearts" "Explain the way Mr. James creates suspense and tension in Lost Hearts." The story "Lost Hearts" is written by M.R.James. This short story is bolt unforgettable and intriguing. Within the story M.R.James uses violent descriptions and shows ghostly figures to create tension. Throughout the story unexpected things take place. The reader gets intrigued the author brings the obsession Mr.Abney has with pagans and religions. This put a question into the reader's minds of why he could be obsessed. We learn about the disappearance of the other two children who have already been in Aswarby Hall, and their ghostly sightings. Soon we realise the third victim will be young cousin Stephen. The writer shows how large and imposing the house is by, describing the "red-bricked house." This is done to create curiosity and interest. The sinister atmosphere within the story gives us an impression that this house is by its self and is isolated. I know this because we are told that "Surrounded by a flat park," This quote shows that this house is very un-welcoming and is un-easy for a chill to stay in. The atmosphere of Aswarby hall is very strange. The "fires" gives the idea of hell being like a danger. The quote "tall and narrow windows," gives me that impression that not much light enters the house

  • Word count: 4161
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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