Reactions to Patriarchal Oppression in Jane Eyre.
Reactions to Patriarchal Oppression in Jane Eyre In Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, the characters Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason are both oppressed by the patriarchal system of the nineteenth century Britain. Each woman refuses to conform to a patriarchal society, but the manner by which each rebel against culture determine a very different future. By depicting opposing reactions to the oppression, Bronte successfully depicts the plight of women in the nineteenth century. By the time Jane Eyre is nine years old, she has built up a great deal of resentment of the injustice she receives at Gateshead Hall. She decides to rebel against the harsh treatment that she receives from her family. They consider her desire to learn and her independent thoughts to be disobedient and her punishment becomes so intolerable that she could no longer restrain herself. She attacks the rich and spoiled John Reed, behaving "like a mad cat" (475) and is locked away in a remote, haunting chamber known as the red room. At Lowood Institution, under strict rules and regulations, and with the help of another orphan, Helen Burns, Jane learns that it is wrong to rebel against society. Helen states, "It is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear (506)....It is not violence that best overcomes hate-nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury"(508). Jane
Feelin' Like a Bug!
Brian Zamora English 1B Mr. Haley 3 January 2005 Feelin' Like a Bug! Bugs are everywhere and you can't avoid them. Whether you love them, or you hate them, one thing is certain, you can't live without them. The Webster dictionary defines the bug as an insect that have sucking mouthparts, forewings thickened at the base, and incomplete metamorphosis and are often economic pests. Being a pest is just one of their many qualities of being a bug. Bugs are also known to be worthless, sheltered, disease carrying vermin's. Another living creature that shares the same qualities of bugs is humans. Humans are also known to be worthless, dirty, and also spread a lot of disease. The author Franz Kafka reflects the characteristics of humans in his short story, "Metamorphosis," in which he captures the vermin-like qualities as a symbol of self-portrayal. In the story "Metamorphosis", Gregor Samsa undergoes a sense of worthlessness from his family and employer. Kafka portrays this feeling of worthlessness by turning him into a cockroach. Cockroaches are depicted as ugly valueless arthropods. We have no idea why they exist and what their purpose in life really is. When we see a cockroach, our first reaction is a feeling of disgust and our only intention is to exterminate the hideous creature. Take for example the hit TV game show, Fear Factor. In order to achieve high ratings from their
The Use of Point of View in The Metamorphosis and A Hero of Our Time
Jamie Marks Language A1: WL Assignment #1 November 8, 2002 0250-063 Word Count: 1,487 The Use of Point of View in The Metamorphosis and A Hero of Our Time The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov are both insightful and unique commentaries on human nature. Though the works are from entirely different times and cultures, both function to investigate and express the authors' cynicism of social convention. The Metamorphosis gives a vivid account of the repression suffered by its protagonist, while A Hero of Our Time offers a first hand look inside the mind of the oppressor himself. Kafka and Lermontov use point of view to illicit strong emotions from the reader in order to underscore man's inherent need to control and manipulate others. Kafka uses a third person limited point of view to create sympathy for the protagonist by showing the effect the controlling and repressive disposition of his family has on him. Throughout the entire text, the narration is extremely detached, but as the novella progresses it shows more insight into the devastating effects the actions of Gregor's family are having on him. Initially, the prose is alarmingly dispassionate, creating shock within the reader. Gregor has turned into a "monstrous vermin," and yet the narrator shows no emotional or vivid response from Gregor at all (Kafka 3). The Marks
"The Cask of Amontillado"
"The Cask of Amontillado" Literary Essay Liam Shute 2/07/02 Edgar Allan Poe lived from 1409 - 1449 , but even today he is revered as one of the premier horror writers of all time. "The Cask of Amontillado" is no exception ,it is a terrifying tale written in the early 15th century, in a time when murder was not as commonplace as it is today. The narrator, the mischievous Montresor, concocts a devilish plan to rid himself of his enemy Fortunato, because of an insult. It is very important for Montresor to have Fortunato know exactly what is happening to him, for Montresor derives great enjoyment from this, " Fortunato slowly dies, the thought of his rejected opportunities of escape will sting him with unbearable regret, and as he sobers with terror, the final blow will come from the realization that his craving for the wine has led him to his doom." Montresor seeks revenge in support of his family crests: "Nemo me impune lacessit."("No one dishonors me without paying price.") Pride can be a very dangerous thing, when one is overwhelmed with it. This is shown in the story by the way Montresor reacts to a little insult from Fortunato. It is also shown by the way Fortunato react when Montresor questions his taste in wine. Fortunato prided himself on his disposition of wine. This pride eventually leads to his downfall. Through the use of foreshadowing, irony, and
"Austen creates intensely personal microcosms of intensely political macrocosms." Discuss in relation to Pride and Prejudice.
' "You have a very small park here," returned Lady Catherine, after a short silence.' (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice). "Austen creates intensely personal microcosms of intensely political macrocosms." Discuss in relation to Pride and Prejudice. Tanner, in his essay on Pride and Prejudice, wrote: "during a decade in which Napoleon was effectively engaging, if not transforming Europe, Jane Austen composed a novel in which the most important events are the fact that a man changes his manners and a young lady changes her mind." This quotation reduces one of the most enduringly popular 'classic' works of English literature, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, to an intensely personal tale of an individual relationship, utterly detached from the political context of the time. For many readers, particularly Austen's contemporaries, there is a tendency to emphasise this romantic, even mythical element to the plot. Isobel Armstrong, in her essay Politics, Pride, Prejudice and the Picturesque comments upon the "fairy-tale gratifications" of Pride and Prejudice, implying a view of Elizabeth as a Cinderella-like figure who, following a 'magical' moral transformation (in herself and Darcy) marries her very own handsome and rich 'Prince Charming' and lives happily ever after. This fantastical reading of the storyline implies a timelessness to the action, a sense in which romantic plot
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte-present an indispensable contribution into the world literature of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
Three brilliant novels-The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte-present an indispensable contribution into the world literature of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. All of them are written by the authors who earned their fame with a great number of literary works, and are full with emotions caused by numerous social interrelationships of the heroes. The aforementioned works by the stated above authors are full with lively situations that help to a great extent understand and analyze the real similar situations that happened in the lives of the readers. The Metamorphosis is a story by Franz Kafka about a man named Gregor Samsa who one day wakes up to find himself "changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin". The mutation occurs the night before in his "unsettling dreams" and appears to be solely physical because Gregor maintains all of his human mental capacities. At the beginning of the novel Gregor works in a company as a traveling salesman. He hates his job, but he is forced to work there in order to support his family-his father who became bankrupt, his mother, and his sister Grete, who was the closest person for him in the world. Gregor may be in separation emotionally from his family before his metamorphosis even takes place. Gregor's locked door indicates that Gregor was previously removed from
Moral Conscience vs. Church Doctrine
Loresa D. Matarazzo Response Paper, Question #3 Principles of Lit. Study 350:220 July 21, 2004 Moral Conscience vs. Church Doctrine Contemporary readers would likely disagree with Elizabeth Rigby's assertion that Jane Eyre is an "anti-Christian composition;" however, in light of the prevailing religious doctrine of the Evangelical movement and turmoil regarding same during the mid-1800's, one can easily under-stand Ms. Rigby's reasoning for this indictment at the time. There are at least three characters within the novel associated with Christianity; namely-Mr. Brocklehurst, Helen Burns and St. John Rivers, and it is made clear in the text that Jane refuses to pledge herself to the doctrine espoused by any of them. It is not difficult to object to Mr. Brocklehurst's hypocrisy and to find him detestable. With regard to Helen Burns, it is impossible not to develop fond feelings for her, but it is also not possible to ignore Jane's skepticism with regard to Helen's martyr-like religious doctrine. The character of St. John Rivers embodies another fundamental Christian view--that man must sacrifice on earth in order to reap his rewards in heaven; this view, Jane also eschews, as she is resolved to find happiness here on earth. She detests Mr. Brocklehurst, and, although she has warm feelings toward Helen as well as St. John, she clearly challenges their
Discuss the ways in which marriage is represented in Pride and Prejudice.
Discuss the ways in which marriage is represented in Pride and Prejudice. Pride and Prejudice originally titled First Impressions was first published in 1813, the second of Jane Austen's six novels. In this essay I attempt to discuss and illustrate the ways in which marriage is represented in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice with particular regard to respect. Marriage is the key theme in Pride and Prejudice, and in many other Austen novels. '...However elegantly they conceal their triumph, marriage is the aim of all Jane Austen's heroines and we do not see them again...'. (pg 45 Beer.P 1974) It was the ultimate destination and ambition of most of the middle and upper class females of Miss Austen's immediate life experience and she has perhaps used her experience and impressions in crafting her own characters reflecting the positives and the negatives of the married state. It is perhaps surprising that she never married, although there is some evidence of love affairs, there have been rumours of two, one whom died, the other deemed unsuitable and sent away. Women in the late 18th Century had little financial independence, they were unable to own or inherit property or money, they were dependant on the dominant male in their family be it their father, husband or brother. Women were the 'property' of their father until they married and often marriage was the only
One of the first letters we see in Pride and Prejudice is the letter from Mr. Collins to the Bennet family explaining of his wishing to come and stay with them. As soon as the letter is read we see Mr. Collins
24/05/05 Pride and Prejudice Set in the early 1800's, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of the upper-class society of the 5 Bennet sisters whose key aim in life is to marry into status. In the 1800's the only real ways of communication were either in person, although this could not be done alone very well and your only thoughts and feelings could not really be discussed. Or by letter, this method was a much better way of putting your character and feelings towards the subject matter across. This is shown in the 40+ letters that Pride and Prejudice contains. This was not unusual at the time, in most novels, but, Jane Austen has constructed the letters in such a way as to develop the plot and also the characters develop through the letters that we see throughout the novel. The letters are also a way for the characters to convey their thoughts and feelings and for the reader to explore their inner thoughts. Without the letters the plot would move on very slowly and the reader would not be able to understand the complicated plot line. The letters are a record of things previously said and so can be looked back upon, as such the letters are a good way for the story to be explained again or to recap on what has already happened but not been told to the reader. It is also a permanent record of who wrote the letter and as such is constructed very well to convey personality.
Essay on the key theme of alienation in the first two parts of the novel.Wide Sargasso Sea
Essay on the key theme of alienation in the first two parts of the novel. Wide Sargasso Sea The theme f alienation runs deep at the core of this novel and is presented as being overt and covert, physical and emotional, social and existential. The first two parts of Wide Sargasso Sea are narrated by the two central protagonists respectively, both of whom experience and deal with alienation in different ways. However, neither narrator really belongs to their surroundings and this sense of not having a defined identity and not fitting in is key to the theme of alienation. Part 1 of Wide Sargasso Sea is narrated exclusively by the central protagonist, Antoinette Cosway. 'The Paper Tiger Lunatic' of Jane Eyre, Antoinette is here given a voice and a background that will help the reader understand her subsequent decline into madness. Physical, social, and emotional alienation in her childhood are shown to be at the root of her later insanity. All three facets of alienation in her childhood are shown to be at the root of her later insanity. All three facets of alienation are present on the opening page of the novel. Firstly it is clear that the family has been socially ostracized by white Jamaican society. The military metaphor, "they say when trouble comes close ranks, and so the white people did. But we were not in their ranks..." suggests that they are living in a society at