The two poems that I will compare and contrast are "Dover Beach" and "On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer".

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Compare and Contrast two poems

        The two poems that I will compare and contrast are “Dover Beach” and “On First Looking Into Chapman’s Homer”.

        The poem “Dover Beach” written by Mathew Arnold is concerned with presenting the audience with a sublime view of the poet’s world.  Arnold takes the audience on a fundamental and emotive jaunt through time; this excursion is to portray his lament of the scientific revolution which has altered his perspective on life. Arnold’s rudiments have been tainted as all the knowledge that was once certain to him are now pauperized in a “melancholy, long, withdrawing” rumination. The central theme of the poem is propagated through a magnitude of keywords which are utilized to portray the lament of Arnold’s new view on life which is one of “sadness” and “human misery”, nevertheless Arnold is unprepared to abandon his poem on such a “retreating” note. The poem concludes with an expressive plea for candour and “love” as “love let us be true to one another”, love is portrayed as the one true feeling that is left for Arnold to express as it is an unbounded commodity.

        The tone of the poem is one of descent and poignancy as Arnold is experiencing mental turmoil as what was once fact to him is now a distant memory on the “northern sea”. The tone’s aim is to emphasise the deep sorrow and mental turmoil that Arnold is indubitably experiencing. The tone of the poem changes dramatically as the views of the poet alters. From the outset of the poem the audience are given a false analysis of the sea as it is portrayed as being “calm”. Arnold in the third stanza hears the seas “melancholy, long, withdrawing roar”; this description of the sea alters our “calm” perspective on the sea. In my view this alteration of the view of the sea was made to induce the thought that nothing can stay in stasis

indefinitely. The tone in the last stanza is extremely provocative thus it not only highlights the downfall of the “land of dreams” but its tone reflects a feeling of desperation at mankind to “be true to one another” as we are “on a darkling plain”.

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        The mood of the poem can be compared to its tone as they both share major attributes, the main attribute being that of deceit as Arnold believes life is not as he first thought but a potent concoction of modern society. It seems that Bob Dylan is not only a good musician but one of his lyrics can be adopted to the mood of the poem as from my understanding Arnold might have believed that “the great books have all been written and the great sayings have all been said”, this is not the case as Arnold now realises his ...

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