Michelle Grant                1st March 2002

Assignment 1

Quantitative Techniques for Business

 Michelle Grant

HND Business and Finance

Trevor Louth

1st March 2002

Assignment 1

Data according to HNC/HND Business core unit 5: Quantitative Techniques for Business (p52) “Data is simply a ‘scientific’ term for facts, ‘figures, information and measurements”. Data can be divided into two, discrete and continuous. Discrete variables can take a finite or countable number of values within a given range, whilst continuous variables may take any value as they are measured rather than counted.

Information is data that has been transformed in some way. It could have been transformed by: summarising the data, tabulating the data, analysing the data and by data presentation.

There are two main categories of data, they are primary and secondary. If the data is ‘raw’ it is still un-processed, basically it is still in the format that it was collected, e.g. a list of numbers.

Primary data is used for the purpose it was collected, the investigator will know exactly where this data came from and the circumstances under which it was collected.

Secondary data is used for a different purpose to that which it was collected, because the investigator did not actually collect the data he/she may not know what limitations there are to the data and it may not be one hundred percent suitable for the purpose that they intend to use it for.

Data can be collected by a variety of methods:

  1. Direct observation – this can be expensive but is accurate. It also needs to be unobtrusive.
  2. Direct inspection – this is a standard procedure done by organisations whether it is permanent or temporary.
  3. Written questionnaire – this is relatively cheap. However, it has a low response rate and needs careful design.
  4. Personal interviews – these are expensive but they are able to deal with complex issues.
  5. Abstract from published statistics – this is cheap, easy to use but may not be directly relevant to what the organisation wants to know.

To ensure that data is un-bias when collecting data random sampling must be used. A random sample means that each item in the data had an equal chance of being selected. However, sometimes data is not random and is sampled by methods where the randomness is fortified in the interests of cheapness and administrative simplicity. The larger the size of the sample is the more accurate the results will be, however, there is an optimum point where there is little to be gained from increasing the sample size further.

Once this data has been collected and analysed it may be presented by many different methods depending on what needs to be read from the data. Some methods of presenting data are:

  • Pictograms

Here data is displayed using symbols that are relevant to the data collected. All of the symbols in the diagram must be of the same size. There is a lack of precision in this type of data presentation because you cannot display 19,995 or 20,100, only overall pictures like 20,000.

  • Bar charts

The value or frequency of the variables is indicated by the length of the bar. The width of the bar is not significant. Additional features can be accommodated using either a compound bar chart or a component bar chart.

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  • Pie charts

These can only be used to display a single variable which is subdivided. The pie chart then shows relative size of the subdivisions.

  • Histograms

These are commonly used to illustrate frequency distributions. They are similar in appearance to bar charts, but they differ in two ways:

  1. The scale on the x-axis is a continuous scale, not a series of categories. The width of each bar represents the corresponding class width in the frequency distribution.
  2. The area of the bar is proportional to the frequency of the class.
  • Frequency polygons

These are constructed by plotting ...

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