Commentary on Roch Sulima's book Antropologia codziennosci (Anthropology of everyday life).

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Anthropology of everyday life


In the modern world there is such a sphere of reality that are not worthy attention, because they are obvious, and what is more, everyone knows everything about it. Such is the realm of the everyday life, and that is what everyday life is very interesting, because by its obviousness gives the impression of social adjustment habits that cause lack of awareness. Speculation on the nature of everyday life leads to the discovery of what appears to be natural, and they really are the consequences of knowledge and experience over which we do not think, and which the foundations of our behaviour are. The concept of everyday life is accurately described by Roch Sulima in her book ‘’Antropologia codziennosci’ (Anthropology of everyday life)’. He stated that “everyday life is unavoidable’’ (p.20). It is practiced and does not need a definition. The meaning of everyday life is always just ahead as the informal sense of conversation. For everyday there is no return. Immediately melts and solidifies in the myth, in what is discursively inexpressible. Anthropology of everyday life is “a diary of things," not classic” diary of thoughts" or ideas. He writes it as someone who “works “in real life, not a researcher who enters the area from the ethnographic questionnaire with the entirely finished project. No doctrine coordinates irrelevant, but the real ways of coping with everyday life, in such a way that it is now the turn of the centuries. "(p.20)

Sulim insisted that he is “walker” who walks around Warsaw. Sense of observation does not allow her to pass by a graffiti on a wall without paying attention or abandoned car wreck; his mind not escape even the local drunks drinking cheap wine at the corner store. Ugly, sad, grey reality that the average passer-by fills wearily, becomes an excuse for Sulima remarkably interesting essays, which describe and interpret everyday life in the past ten years. It turns out that such an analysis can be a great key to the story of the world around us and ourselves.

Sulima admits that everyday life is not beautiful. What aspect of beauty can be found in the gaudy architecture of cottages in share gardens or in the space of Warsaw tower block? However, despite its ugliness carries many meanings, you just have to take the trouble to read them. This effort can bring sometimes surprising result.

Everyday life is not only the world of things (although they are the easiest to grasp and describe). It is also a world of smells, tastes and sounds. The texture and firmness of the tomato which we look at the market, and touch objects of rustling packages that pass through our hands in the shop, are part of our everyday experience of touch. Noises coming from neighbouring. Taste, which we have in the mouth at the thought of homemade dumplings is also part of the cultural world full of significant meaning. Everyday life is rich. It consists direct sensory experiences, as well as multiple semantic layers.

I think the undeniable value of the book is wonderful, intense and revealing description of everyday life. The author demonstrates careful observation of reality. Description of everyday life allows us to capture our presence in it. Everyday life is realized in a direct force, weight and value changes, in which we participate. Sulima, made ​​me realize the enormity of the changes that over the past ten years imprinted on our commonness. Walking through the modern "temple of trade" have become thoughtless and permanent part of life for a large part of the population. Supermarket has brought a new, different kind of everyday experience. This will not only change the concept of the Christmas time, free time, the concept of space (artificial horizon supermarkets hall without windows), but also the transformation of taste, customs, traditions, and beaten tracks. Children no longer go to the park to play hooky but, to the supermarket.

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Everyday life is always someone but, what is composed on it is always social and cultural. This means that creating yourself and your own world is to produce unique reality and the whole list of what repetitive and widely available. Our houses look alike, each of us every day take the same steps. We eat, walk and sit in similar way. However, these similarities are misleading because this kind of identity always refer into separate entity which is part of the moral structure by an individual. For instant Madonna has a very different everyday from my everyday. She probably gets ...

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