Everything changes for Will when the planet of single parents enters his orbit. He discovers that he is an angel and highly desirable compared to all the cast offs of the single mothers. After a few unsuccessful attempts to date a single mother he hits on the idea of joining (SPAT) Single Parents Alone Together and Will transforms into a loving single parent with a two year old son called Ned, all completely fictitious. He quickly homes in on the beauty of the group called Susie and arranges a date. The date is rudely interrupted by the twelve year old son of a fellow SPAT member, Fiona, played by Toni Colette. Fiona is a poignant character, on the one hand annoying and on the other vulnerable. She is a vegetarian, tree hugging hippie but also prone to depression and tries to commit suicide. Marcus her son is caught between loving her and being driven mad by her. Marcus needs to escape from this mother and Will is the perfect answer. The plot changes to focus on the relationship between Will and Marcus.
The relationship between Marcus and Will develops, they are both misfits in different ways. Marcus keeps coming back to Will, but gradually this turns into an easy, relaxed friendship. They convince the audience that they like being with each other. Marcus starts to bond with Will, and Will starts to talk more openly with Marcus, although neither of them have any idea what they have to offer each other. Marcus is picked on at school, partly as he is dressed in strange clothes. He is not always easy to like, but he is always interesting. Will and his flat, offer Marcus a sanctuary. Marcus asks Will for fatherly advice and Will provides male companionship for him. Gradually through Marcus, Will discovers that his vacant, privileged life does have a purpose after all. Add in a romantic connection in the form of Rachel Weisz, another single mother and Will’s life is quickly transformed into everything Will fought tooth and nail to prevent it becoming.
About a Boy is a great, intelligent and perceptive film, it makes you wince and groan, but also laugh out loud. There are some great scenes particularly the one where Marcus sings in front of the whole school. Make sure you see this film and don’t let it get hidden beneath the much anticipated Star Wars: Episode II, or Spider Man, both opening in cinemas within the same fortnight.
You will feel happier for it, and you’ll want to watch it over and over again, it makes you feel that good!