Pulp Fiction

Books or magazines produced cheaply that are shocking and contain graphic details of horror or violence are often known as ‘Pulp’.  The stories within them often have a crime thriller theme.  The characters in Pulp magazines were often very unusual and different.  The title of the film ‘Pulp Fiction’ then suggests to the viewer that it will contain graphical fictitious violence and horror and will have a crime theme to it.  It also suggests that the characters in it will be very different from characters in any other film.

The opening scene of the film centres around two characters sat talking in a diner.  The fact that the whole opening sequence centres on these two people signifies that they will play an important role in the film.  The man is played by the actor Tim Roth, who played a character in the gangster film ‘Reservoir Dogs’, and can be expected to play a similar role as a criminal in Pulp Fiction.  The couple are immediately shown to be two small-time criminals, as they are sat talking about robbing liquor stores.  They aren’t shown to be very clever, as they call the waitress garcon, meaning boy.  They are also shown to be quite arrogant as they order the waitress around.  This shows the audience the types of characters they are and that the film will have a crime theme.  The couple are also sat in a diner.  This suggests that the film is set in America, as diners are common in America.

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We find out that the man is known as ‘Pumpkin’ and the woman is known as ‘Honey bunny’.  These are unusual names for criminal characters in films, which show that the film is different from other gangster films and that it will have more original characters in it, instead of portraying stereotypical gangsters.  It also shows that the film will have a sense of humour to it.

The couple are not shown to be very well off (they are eating in a road-side cafe and are not smartly dressed) despite the fact they steal money.  This shows that the film ...

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