Will scientists ever cure cancer?  The simple answer, experts like Dr. Harmon Eyre, chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society in Atlanta say, is yes.  But he doesn’t mean they will completely wipe out cancers in the same way scientists have eliminated polio.  With very early detection, medications that stimulate the immune system to attack abnormal cells, vaccines that block cancer-causing viruses and the development of new anti-tumor drugs, doctors will be able to drastically reduce the number of people killed by the group of diseases they call cancer.   Dr. Eyre predicts that in 50 to 100 years, cancer will no longer be a major health problem.  What is helping researchers in their battle against cancer is new information picked up from basic research into genetics.  

Cancer is a disease of the cells.  It’s not just one disease; it is a group of more than 100 different diseases.  It is an abnormal growth of cells that tend to reproduce in an uncontrolled way and in some cases, spread.  Cancer is also called malignancy.  A cancerous growth or tumor is sometimes called a malignant growth or tumor.  A non-malignant growth or tumor is called benign.  Benign tumors are not cancer.  Cancer can infect any tissue of the body and has many different forms in each body area.  Most cancers are named for the type of cell or organ in which cancer starts.  If a cancer spreads, the new tumor keeps the same name as the original tumor.  

A number of factors produce cancer.  These factors are heredity, viruses, radiation, chemicals, and changes in the immune system.  Cancer is a genetic process.  Gene abnormalities can be inherited or they can be induced in a body cell by a virus or by damage from an outside source.

More than 1,350,000 new cases of cancer occur in the United States each year.  It is the second leading cause of death in the nation, causing about 550,000 deaths annually.  

The earlier a type of cancer is diagnosed and treated, the greater the chance of cure.  The regular screening of people is very important because it allows diagnosis before the development of symptoms.  Diagnostic study for cancer begins with a medical history of the patient and an extensive examination.

The biopsy is the only sure way for the diagnosis of cancer.  In a biopsy, a piece of tissue is removed from the tumor itself.  Aided by a CAT (computerized axial tomography) scan, a tumor in almost any part of the body can be biopsied through a thin, flexible needle.  

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The first approach to curing cancer is to remove all of the malignant cells by an operation.  Sometimes, surgery is not always the answer.  If a tumor has spread to different organs that are necessary for life, then it is too late to operate.    

Radiation therapy is a very useful extra to surgery.  Electromagnetic or particulate radiation is used for the process and is very destructive to tissue.  Radiation may rapidly sterilize the tumor cells and prevent them from “seeding” at surgery.  It could also shrink the tumor and make surgery easier.

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs ...

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