Depression is a mental state of excessive sadness.

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Assess the evidence that exercise is efficacious in the treatment of depression

“Depression can be defined as an emotional state of mind characterised by feeling of

gloom and inadequacy leading to withdrawal.  Depression is a mental state of excessive

sadness characterised by persistently low mood, loss of pleasure and interest.  To be

considered a clinical condition depression symptoms have a duration of at least 2 weeks

and include; disturbance in sleep, appetite, and concentration.”  This definition was taken

from the Collins English Dictionary and Hyperdictionary, from this definition it can

clearly be seen that depression is a serious disorder with great affects on an individuals

mental well being.  A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing “blue mood”,

people who suffer from depressive illness cannot merely “pull themselves together” and

get better, without treatment depressive symptoms can last for weeks, months or even

years and can progressively worsen.  Basically speaking there are two types of

depression, reactive depression; this occurs because of some usually negative (but can be

positive!) event like a loss of a relative or someone close, this can vary greatly from mild

to severe however mild depression is much more common.  There is also endogenous

depression; this occurs entirely for biological reasons, this can also be mild and severe

but mostly in the case of endogenous depression the symptoms of depression are severe.

So how common is depression?  Research has shown that about 17% of the population

suffer from depression (Kessler et al 1994) taking in account mild depression this figure

would be much greater.  There a variety of signs and symptoms of depression including

feelings of unhappiness, misery and poor self esteem, loss of interest in usual activities,

work, basically things that would be performed in every daily life, loss of interest in

personal hygiene and appearance, lack of concentration, loss or increase in appetite,

 anxiety, psychomotor retardation (so depressed you can not move!), and think about

death a lot and have many suicidal thoughts (however if to depressed then people can not

be bothered to kill themselves, this becomes a problem when they first start there

treatment and start to get better they are at more risk to themselves because they can be

bothered to kill them).  There are also a variety of causing agents of depression a

study performed by Judd et al (1996) found that individuals suffering from major

depression reported greater levels of household strain, social irritability, and financial strain

as well as limitation in physical activity or job functioning, restricted activity days, bed

days and poor health status.  Another study performed by Mojtaba et al (2004) found that

a greater percentage of individuals who suffer from depression were community-dwelling

middle aged and older adults.  There is a strong link between the two studies and that is

lack of physical activity whether this is due to laziness, financial incapability’s, health

status or age, these two studies suggest that a causing agent of depression is lack of

physical activity.  So the “million dollar” question is does exercise help individuals who

suffer from depression?

Before exercise is looked at as a possible aid in the treatment of depression, the biology

of depression cannot be ignored.  The basic biology of depression is when there are

abnormally low levels of neurotransmitters; messages cannot easily get across synaptic

gaps and this resulting in the communication in the brain to slow down.  It appears that

depression can occur if there are not enough of these neurotransmitters circulating in the

brain.  While there are as many as 100 different kinds of neurotransmitters,

norepinephrine, dopamine, and serontonin seem to be particularly important in

depression.  The pathways for all these neurotransmitters reach deep into many parts of

the brain responsible for functions that are disturbed in depression including sleep,

appetite, mood, and sexual interest ().   There are many methods that

are used to aid in the treatment of depression these include combining drugs with other

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psychological therapies (note if someone close dies for example this can cause depression

and taking anti-depressant drugs doesn’t stop you from missing them it will not bring

them back).  As the basic biological causes is known using certain drugs as an

intervention is common and can be very effective, there are different groups of drugs that

can be used these include Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors, Tricyclics and new

antidepressants like Prozac.  However the course of treatment depends on the outcome of

an original evaluation of the patient by ...

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