FactorsWhen looking at Susan's depression there are three sets of factors that need to be considered; predisposing, precipitating

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Types of depression

 When looking at depression there are three different kinds of depression; major depression, dysthymia and bipolar depression. Major depression interferes with your ability to work, eat, sleep, and enjoy activities that was once found pleasurable. Dysthymia is a long term depression; the symptoms are not disabling but keep the individual from feeling well or happy with themselves. Bipolar depression is also known as manic depressive illness, this is when the individual gets episodes of extreme highs and complete lows, these mood changes can occur quickly. With regards to the case study major depression seems to be the category Susan falls intoLooking at depression it is an illness that affects the mood, body and thoughts of a person, it affects the person in the everyday life. Within this case study it is presented that Susan becomes increasingly pessimistic and stressed at work, these in themselves are sure signs of depression.

When looking at depression there are three different kinds of depression; major depression, dysthymia and bipolar depression. Major depression interferes with your ability to work, eat, sleep, and enjoy activities that was once found pleasurable. Dysthymia is a long term depression; the symptoms are not disabling but keep the individual from feeling well or happy with themselves. Bipolar depression is also known as manic depressive illness, this is when the individual gets episodes of extreme highs and complete lows, these mood changes can occur quickly. With regards to the case study major depression seems to be the category Susan falls into, to confirm this, the symptoms need to be looked at.

Symptoms of depression

 Symptoms for major depression include feelings of pessimism, which her husband reported that “her conversation was a constant stream of complaints and criticisms” this was also directed towards her work place and colleagues which also supports that it is major depression. Other symptoms include loss of interest in sex, decreased energy and fatigue, feelings of anxiousness hopelessness and helplessness. Within the case study Susan states she has never been interested in sex but when she was younger she was more sexually active, she found it hard to get out of bed in the morning and it was noted buy the G.P. that during the consultation she was anxious and tearful; all concluding that Susan has major depression. Her symptoms can be split into four different kinds such as somatic, behavioural, affective and cognitive. Somatic symptoms include her feelings of tiredness and her not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. Behavioural symptoms include Susan starting to drink alone and her highly alarming behaviour of following a lady. Cognitive symptoms include her pessimism towards work, her marriage and the thought she has no one to confide in. Affective symptoms describe Susans mood, this includes her tearful states and her husbands suggestion that her mood is always low.

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When looking at Susan’s depression there are three sets of factors that need to be considered; predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors. The predisposing factors are factors that lead to any genetic links, learned behaviours and cognitive distortions. Within the case study there was no indication that any previous family members have suffered with depression so this issue is not considered. Learned behaviours include the constant stream of complaints, the thought that she has no one to confide, drinking alone and being constantly miserable. Cognitive distortions include the fact she did not get into university which she blames on ...

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