Physiological approaches to stress management.

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Physiological approaches to stress management use techniques designed to change the activity of the body’s stress response system. Two physiological methods for stress management include drugs and biofeedback.

There are two types of drugs that ca be used in stress management; benzodiazepines (BZs) and Beta-blockers. BZs are a group of drugs that are commonly used to treat anxiety. BZs slow down the activity of the central nervous system. This is done by enhancing the activity of the natural biochemical substance called GABA. GABA is the body’s natural form off anxiety relief. This enhancement is achieved in several ways. One such way is that GABA slows down nerve cell activity. It allows chloride ions into neurons, slowing the activity if the neuron which causes relaxation. Another way is that GABA also reduces serotonin activity. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that has an arousing effect people who are depressed have low levels of serotonin and one form of treatment is to take drugs. People with anxiety need to reduce levels of serotonin which is done by GABA, which then decreases arousal of neurons, causing reduced anxiety. BZs imitate the activity if GABA and therefore reduce arousal of the nervous system and reduce anxiety.

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Beta-blockers act on the sympathetic nervous system rather than the brain. Stress leads to the arousal of the sympathetic nervous system and this creates increased blood pressure, heart rate, elevated levels of cortisol etc. These symptoms lead to cardiovascular disorders and reduce the effectiveness of the nervous system. Beta-blockers reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and reduce the associated undesirable symptoms. Bet-blockers are often used by sportsmen and women.

The strengths of anxiolytic drugs is that they work. One way to assess the effectiveness is to compare outcomes when anxious patients are given drugs while others ...

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