Schizophrenia can be best explained using biophysical explanations discuss?

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Rebecca Hallett

Psychology A2.

Schizophrenia can be best explained using biophysical explanations discuss?

Schizophrenia, meaning ‘split mind’, has characteristics such as; a persons thoughts and learning is disturbed, their ability to perceive the world is disturbed, also their movements and emotions are disturbed. There are three sub types of schizophrenia, which are Paranoid, Disorganized, and Catatonic. Each of them shows different symptoms, which characterize each sub type.

        The genetic explanation means that a person has a genetic vulnerability, where they are more likely than other people to develop an illness. The reason for that illness maybe from an inherited gene. This is passed to the fetus at time of conception. Schizophrenia is carried on a gene so you are more likely to inherit this illness if a member of your family has the same illness. A lot of research has been based on mono-zygotic (MZ) twins.

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        The Strengths of the genetic explanation is that research-using twins has recently found a high concordance rate for Schizophrenia in identical Twins. Also adoption studies have supported the strong link between Schizophrenia and families. The weaknesses of the genetic explanation are there is not 100% concordance of schizophrenia in MZ twins, you may have one twin who develops the illness and one who does not. It is also shown that it may be the shared environment, which causes schizophrenia in MZ twins, because twins may be treated more similarly by family, than non-identical twins.

        Some researchers believe that the brain ...

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