What are currently the main policy differences between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the US?

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Q7:        What are currently the main policy differences between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the US?

It is certainly true to say that the values and beliefs of any political party are extremely difficult to define.  It is impossible to apply all of any party’s principles generally to all of its members.  However, it is the party’s political platform issued in presidential elections, which is the framework for the party’s policies, and represents the policies of the party at that specific time.(3a) 

In my analysis I will focus on the general and latest policy differences between the Republican Party (traditionally known as the “Grand Old Party”)(3b) and the Democratic Party (founded by Thomas Jefferson in the early 1970s).  Two parties forever striving to build a better America but with contrasting ways of going about it.  Both hold differing standpoints on vital issues in this modern divided democracy.  

The outstanding difference between the outlook and political principles of the Democrat and the Republican is that the standard Republican has the belief that “all things are earned and nothing is owed”.  They push and campaign tirelessly for equal tax rates despite income as well as minimised social assistance programs.  The Republicans believe that all Americans can make it on their own without handouts from the aristocracy.  They are believers in the “American Dream”.   Meanwhile the Democrats ideals are much more socialist ones.  Raising taxes so that the government can provide services such as health insurance to everyone is a basic ideal of the Democrat.(3a) Diverse policies, contrasting beliefs, varied voter base.  Such is two-party politics!

Civil Rights

Basic civil rights are essential for everyone and are very much the foundations on which American freedom is built.   The Republican Party holds a much more traditional, and in my opinion, a very much outdated standpoint concerning marriage, status of women and position of gays in American society. (1) There is strong support in the party for the traditional definition of marriage as “the legal union of one man and one woman”.(3g)  There is the belief that “sexual preference should not be given special legal protection or standing in law”.(3e)  Their vigorous support for religious institutions along with the suggested “candid analysis” of military gays leaves a clear stain of anti-homosexualism on the Republican side.(3m)(3a) Republicans also controversially support the exemption of women from ground combat units in the military and call for co-ed basic training to be ended.(3e)

Democrats, on the other hand, display primarily progressive ideas on the subject of civil liberties.  The Democrats fight for the “full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits and protection for these families”.(3e)  Efforts by the Democrats to pass hate crime legislation including gays are ongoing.  Democrats aim to strengthen some parts of the Patriot Act (restrictions on money laundering) and change other parts (provisions to fight terror) as well as supporting affirmative action to redress discrimination and achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit.(3e)  They are strong followers of the belief that racial and religious profiling is wrong and that the police must have zero tolerance of such profiling.(1)(3e)  In 2005 John Kerry’s platform said, “Our government should never round up innocent people only because of their religion or ethnicity, and we should never stifle free expression.

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On the issue of civil rights, I would tend to side with the Democrats’ less cautious approach.  Although the Republicans traditional outlook can be admired, in such a dynamic, fast-changing, information driven, contemporary world, I believe tradition can and should be set aside in the interests of political, moral and social progress in the U.S.

Principles and Values

Both parties again differ slightly on their approach to the nations basic principles and values:

A segment of George W. Bush’s presidential campaign in the year 2000 was his promise to nominate conservative judges only – judges who would ...

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