Acceleration due to gravity.

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Acceleration due to gravity.

When objects fall towards the earth their acceleration increases because of the earths gravity. This acceleration due to gravity is independent of the object's mass. A falling object, dropped from an aircraft soon reaches a high velocity. If no other forces were acting on the objects it will keep accelerating until it hits the earth's surface. However, on earth there is always some air resistance which opposes the motion of the falling object. Air resistance has little effect on compact objects moving at low speeds, but drag force increases with speed and eventually it is equal to gravitational force pulling the object towards earth. When this happens there will be no more acceleration and the object will continue to fall at a constant velocity, know as terminal velocity.

Acceleration due to gravity is not the same through out the universe. In this essay am going to look at acceleration due to gravity on earth. It varies from place to place: it's greater at the poles than at the equator. The acceleration due to gravity on earth is said to be around 9.81ms-1 regardless of the mass of the object. The motion of a freely falling object in one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration obeys the following kinematic equation
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(i) In general, an object moving with an initial velocity and a constant acceleration

s = ut + 1/2 at2

(ii) For an object initially at rest falling in a gravitational field

h = 1/2 gt2

I intend to investigate acceleration due to gravity on earth by free fall using the light gate experiment and with the above equation try to come up with a value for it.


To determine the acceleration due to gravity by free fall.


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