Investigating factors which affect the period time of a simple pendulum

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Investigating factors which affect the period time of a simple pendulum

In this investigation, I am going to investigate the factors that affect the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum. A simple pendulum consists of a single oscillating mass with a concentrated mass. The period of oscillation is the amount of time taken for the mass to return to its original position after it is released.

A is the original position of the pendulum. As it is released gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as the mass falls and oscillates from A to -A and back. On earth, some of the energy is lost because of air resistance and friction at the pivot. This loss of energy means that eventually the pendulum will stop oscillating.  

Factors that affect the period of oscillation:

• Length of the pendulum (L)

• Angle at which the pendulum is released (Amplitude)

• Gravitational Field Strength (g)

• Mass (m)

The pendulum begins to oscillate when the concentrated mass is displaced from the equilibrium point. When the mass is raised it gains Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE). When it is released gravity acts on it and it moves back toward the equilibrium point. As it loses GPE it gains Kinetic Energy (KE), and when it reaches the point of equilibrium it does not stop but continues past. At this point it has maximum kinetic energy and therefore maximum velocity. It then begins to lose kinetic energy as it is decelerated by the force of gravity. The kinetic energy is therefore converted back to GPE. It reaches its highest point when all of the kinetic energy is lost and velocity is zero. It then begins to lose GPE again and the cycle continues.

A pendulum will never stop oscillating until an outside force such as air resistance or friction acts on it. On earth pendulums slow down and eventually come to rest after a period of time because of air resistance.

From research on the Internet(1) I found that theoretically the amplitude and mass of the pendulum do not affect the period of oscillation. Only the length and gravitational field strength affect the period. This is because increasing the length of the pendulum, at the same angle of release, the distance the pendulum has to travel is greater, and hence the period. This can be shown:


The angle at which the pendulum is released theoretically does not affect the period. However this assumption is made if air resistance is not present. From a physics textbook(2) I have found that the period of oscillation is not affected if the angle of release is small (<10º), because below 20º sinθ ≈ θ.

The effect of changing the mass of a pendulum can be shown mathematically:

  • F=ma

The force causing the mass to accelerate toward the equilibrium point is mgsinθ. So:

  • mgsinθ = ma

, dividing both sides by m:

  • gsinθ = a

Therefore the acceleration is not affected by the mass of the bob. As a result of this the period will not change for different masses.

This equation also shows that the gravitational field strength (g) will affect the period because increasing g increases the acceleration of the pendulum toward the equilibrium, and therefore the period will decrease.

The equation for the period of a pendulum is:

T = 2π√(L/g)

The equation shows the direct relationship between T and L. T2 is proportional to L. The inverse square relationship between T and g is shown by the equation as well.

This equation does not include m or θ in it, showing that these values do not affect the period of oscillation.


From my background knowledge I predict that the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum will increase as the length of the pendulum is increased. It will not be affected by the angle of release at low angles or the mass of the ‘bob’. The period would also be affected by the gravitational field strength, but I will not try to prove this because the value of g can be taken as a constant near to the surface of the earth.


  • Clamp Stand
  • Boss Clamp
  • Protractor
  • 100g mass (made up of 10g masses)
  • 70cm length of string
  • Masking Tape
  • A desk
  • G clamp
  • Stopwatch
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The clamp stand is connected to the boss clamp, which will provide the pivot for the pendulum and to ensure that it is high enough not to be obstructed by the desk. The string is tied securely to the boss clamp and the other end is connected to the 100g mass. The protractor is taped to the top of the boss clamp to accurately measure the angle of release. The G clamp holds the stand to ensure that the pendulum does not cause the stand to move and affect the results. The stopwatch is used to produce period measurements ...

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