In this investigation I am going to find out what affects the resistance of a wire in an electric circuit. I will then investigate further one of my hypothesis to find out the extent of the variable’s affect. Electricity passes through a conductor, in this experiment the wire, by use of free electrons. In a metal, the atom’s outer electrons overlap and therefore are able to move freely from atom to atom. When an electron is given a positive charge from a battery (power pack in our experiment) it becomes positively charged 1 and is therefore drawn around the circuit to the negative terminal. The electric charge can be passed from electron to electron if they collide although some energy would be lost through heat as a result of this collision. Energy would also be given off (lost) is an electron was to collide with and atom or an impurity in the metal. The movement and collisions between neighboring electrons happens along the length of the wire and therefore electricity is conducted.

        One variable that can affect the resistance of a wire is the temperature of that wire. This is because as the temperature is increased, the fixed atoms gain kinetic energy from the heat and begin to move. This therefore increases the amount of collisions between electrons and atoms and therefore more energy would be lost through heat from collisions, if only the temperature was increased. This is because energy is lost when the electrons and atoms collide from the impact, this is collision theory.

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        Another variable that could affect the resistance of a wire is the material of that wire. This is because different metals have different amounts of electrons in their outer shell.

The more electrons that a metal has, the more electricity that can pass along the wire, therefore it would have less resistance. This is because the electric energy is passed from electron to electron through collisions, so the more electrons, the more energy can be carried along.

        Another variable that will affect the resistance of a wire is the cross-sectional area of the wire. The thicker the ...

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