Physics Coursework 2004

Table Tennis Ball Experiment


The table tennis ball will bounce lower as the height that it is dropped from decreases. This is because as the ball gets lower there is a lesser amount of force pushing the ball downwards therefore giving less velocity for it to rebound up into the air. This means that when it hits the ground the atoms push each other away forcing the ball to bounce higher.

The graph begins to level out because parts of the ball begin to melt at certain temperatures as the atoms get more energy and break their bonds turning the ball into a liquid. A theory, which links into this experiment, is the kinetic theory. This is because the kinetic theory deals with atoms vibrating as they receive more energy and in doing so breaking their bonds. This is linked to this experiment because as the squash ball's atoms get more energy and vibrate more before breaking their bonds to become a liquid.

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We set up the apparatus as shown in the above diagram. We then dropped it from 100 cm high and measured the bounce. We then repeated the experiment 9 times, each time dropping it 10cm lower.  To keep the experiment fair the only variable, which we changed, was the height. We used the same ball through out the experiment and checked the ruler had not moved. My range of results was very wide in order to get an accurate set of results.  Some of the results needed to be repeated to make sure that they were accurate.


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