In what sense and to what extent, in your view, could the literary term 'Romantic' be applied to Marion de Lorme AND La peau de chagrin?

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In what sense and to what extent, in your view, could the literary term ‘Romantic’

                  be applied to Marion de Lorme AND La peau de chagrin?

In the early nineteenth century a new society was flourishing, where the aristocracy was seeing their wealth diminish and therefore there was a greater concentration on the position of the bourgoisie. This newfound wealth, status and increasing literacy amongst the middle classes created a larger market for forms of entertainment such as literature, previously less appreciated, and it brought about many new styles, primarily that of Romanticism. There was a struggle for freedom in society in both political and social terms and the artistic circles no longer wanted to be governed by rules that, according to them, were inhibitive and counter operative. Hugo, who wrote Marion de Lorme in June 1829, believed in ‘la liberté dans l’art’ and furthermore in ‘le libéralisme de la litterature.’ In his Preface to the aforementioned play Hugo even said ‘Maintenant l’art est libre: c’est à lui de rester digne,’ which was quite a contradiction to some unpeaceful reactions to Romantic literature. Therefore we can ask what characterised Romanticism in this play and also in the work La peau de chagrin by Balzac.

Very few novels are actually categorised as Romantic before 1830’s as the novel was not considered as proper literature. Only with Balzac did literature begin to be taken more seriously. At first in was mainly seen with theatre and poetry, such as Hugo’s play Marion de Lorme.

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The breaking of the classical rules comes through greatly in this work as Hugo is trying to emphasise the freedom of literature. Previously it was more common to create a specific place, timeframe and a grand figure at the forefront of the play. Here however the author is writing in 1829 but is setting his story, which unfolds over several days, back in 1638. In addition there are many shifts of place and plot going out in this play, which reflect different social factors of the time. We begin in the abode of Marion, the clichéd Romantic courtesan accompanied ...

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