Music in a Box: A Sociological Perspective

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Music in a Box: A Sociological Perspective

        An ipod, a phone, an mp3 or even a laptop, these advancements in technology has helped in the widespread of different genres of music. From rock to pop to country and mellow, everyone has their own personal taste. Music transcends race, culture and language and with this it has been a great weapon for globalization. The influence of western mainstream music has been evident in the lives of many Filipinos. From the way people dress to the way people think, music has been a great reason for it. The boom of western music from the 1950’s up until the present is extensive.

        In my case, I check YouTube daily; I have downloaded (illegally) music from different sites and put it in my phone. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. If we look at YouTube, it’s like a music store and a comedy house at the same time. The fact that it’s free also attracts people. Music is generally a leisure we have and somehow through music people get over boundaries set by society. If it’s just me, well I’ll see it as it is, me enjoying something that is free. Downloading music has been a thing for me and my siblings, we get the latest singles the moment it comes on air.

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        But if we look at it from a global perspective, we see multi-million companies being at the fore-front of producing these singles and albums. Why do they condemn piracy (in terms of music)? Is it really stealing? In what terms are piracy and stealing the same? If we look at it closely, we see that piracy is making copies of these original singles being sold. In the internet, piracy is when you get to acquire something without paying for it (e.g movies, series, songs). Stealing is when someone forcefully takes something that belongs to another person. Is piracy stealing? Is ...

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