This is a sociological perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx (1818-83). Marxism is a structuarlist theory i.e. he saw the individual as less important than the social structure of society.

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This is a sociological perspective based on the ideas of Karl Marx (1818-83).  Marxism is a structuarlist theory i.e. he saw the individual as less important than the social structure of society.  Marx divided people into two classes in a capitalist society, the bourgeoisie (ruling class) the owners of production and the proletariat (working class).  The working class, since they had no alternative means of livelihood but to work for the bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisies exploited the proletariat making profits out of them by keeping the wages low and paying them as little as possible instead of giving them full payment for their work, Because the ruling class owned the means of production the ruling class could decide where factories should be located and whether they could be opened or closed down and they could control the welfare through hiring and firing.

Marx predicted the working class would become poorer and poorer and society would become divided into two major social classes: a small wealthy and powerful bourgeoisie and a large, poverty stricken proletariat.  The exploitation of the proletariat would eventually lead to major class conflict poverty-stricken proletariat and the bourgeoisie.  The proletariat would struggle against the ruling class through strikes, demonstrations and other forms of protest.  The working class would develop class conscious an awareness of their common working class interests and through exploitation until eventually they would make socialist revolution and overthrow the ruling class. (K Brown 1992 Introduction to Sociology 2nd Ed.Blackwell publishers u.k page 18).

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The forces of production and the social relationship of production form the infrastructure of society.  The other aspects of society known as the super structure are largely shaped by the infrastructure Therefore the political, legal and educational institutions and the belief are primary determined by the economic factors.  A change in the infrastructure will therefore produce a corresponding change in the superstructure.

Strengths The means of production remain mostly privately owned. There is a still great inequality of wealth and income in Britain and widespread poverty. Unemployment is an on going problem and effects most severely those in the working ...

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