What distinctive features can you identify about men and women's work in Britain? How would you explain changes and continuities in the patterns in recent years?

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What distinctive features can you identify about men and women’s work in Britain? How would you explain changes and continuities in the patterns in recent years?

There are many distinctive features about men and women’s work in Britain. The ones I have identified are, gender roles, the division of labour, women working inside the home and men working outside the home, with paid and unpaid labour, all of which I will define in later paragraphs. There is an expectation that men and women will undertake certain roles in and out of work. So in order to fully answer the question, I will define the term work and explain the ambiguity that surrounds this term and discuss what forms of employment women are entering, in comparison to men.

To demonstrate the changes and continuities of men and women’s work in Britain I will give a brief historical account of family life pre industrialisation, I will not be using this period as the egalitarian model for British society, merely a comparison to how the family economic dynamics have changed through the period of industrialisation. I will discuss how this period not only brought changes to the family structure, but also altered the working environment and set the patterns of segregation on which current gender divisions are founded.

Current divisions are not as extreme as they were in the early part of the twentieth century. Pressure groups and recent legislation have improved the opportunities for women and I will attempt to explain why this is, but generally women are still playing a secondary role to men in terms of equal rights in and out of the workplace. I will present evidence to back up this claim and show quite clearly the inequality between the majority of men over the majority of women in and out of work.

 To understand what is meant by the term work I want to look now at what might be perceived as a common sense definition and then go on to explain what it might mean within the realms of sociology.

Work would normally be referred to as a remunerated activity which would be carried out at a certain place,(factory) within an allotted time scale(nine to five). This definition may seem straight forward enough but sociologists such as Worlsey would see this as a very ambiguous term. He argues that an artist or a sports person (wether paid or unpaid) may see their particular activity as work, whereas others outside this area of interest may perceive it to be a hobby or a leisure activity.(Worsley 1970 p274)

These are examples of disagreements in defining what constitutes ‘real’ work. Other disagreements focus on its physical exertions and wether work is paid or unpaid.

Housework is one example of the unpaid but very physically demanding variety (although there are others such as voluntary). This is a task still carried out mostly by women as recent research has shown. The results from this survey confirmed that British women who were also in full time paid employment contributed fifty-six hours a week to household duties compared to the thirty-one hours afforded by British men. (Guardian 2000) For British women who did no paid work the figure was even higher. This group spend seventy six hours per week cooking, cleaning, caring for children and other duties associated with the home It must be stressed that there are some men who contribute more to the home than these figures would suggest but on the whole it is generally left to women to perform most of these tasks.

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Housework by having no remuneration package or recognition on any official statistics is undervalued and by definition is not recognised as work. Oakley argues that “housework has become an ideology that benefits the economy, as the housewife services the wage earner at no cost to the employer”.(Joseph 1986 p123) So if it is benefiting the economy as Oakley states it must surely be deemed ‘real work’. Having defined what is meant by the term work I will go on to identify some of the features within paid employment.

Even in paid work women have predominantly occupied jobs within ...

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