Tommy Douglas revolutionized the Canadian health care system and without his efforts and initiatives the medical care

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One man can save the lives of millions of people with one idea. An idea that

separates Canada from any other country in the world. Tommy Douglas is the reason we

have our health care system and without this man many Canadians would have lost their

lives. Tommy Douglas revolutionized the Canadian health care system and without his

efforts and initiatives the medical care of all Canadians would have been at a considerable

disadvantage. Tommy Douglas had spent his life searching for ways to help others.

Canada's health care system has historically helped develop the country we know as

Canada. One man, Tommy Douglas followed his dream of universally accessible medical

care that lives on today. Canadian health care is presently in a state of crisis. Will Tommy

Douglas's dream of universal medical care continue to save lives?

The idea of Canadian medical care, great devotion to social causes, and political

fortune earned Tommy Douglas the respect of millions of Canadians. Tommy Douglas

has spent his life searching for ways to help Canada and every citizen in Canada. Tommy

Douglas found himself in the hospital at the age of 10, due to a bone infection he suffered

4 years earlier. Douglas's parents were told that the only option they had was to amputate

their son's leg before the infection spread to the rest of his body. If the infection spread it

would eventually end in Tommy's death. This was all a result of Douglas's parents not

having enough money to pay for a specialist to perform an operation on Tommy's leg.

Before the infection spread a doctor offered to operate on Tommy's leg for free as a
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demonstration for the doctors students. "The surgery saved Douglas's leg , quite possibly

his life and would serve as an inspiration for his dream of universally accessible medical

care" (The Greatest Canadian,2004, paragraph 4) As Douglas was growing up he

experienced many different types of occupations before settling at the liberal arts college.

After Douglas's graduation he made the move to politics in 1935 when he was elected as

a Member of Parliament in the CCF. (The Greatest Canadian,2004paragraph 5) Douglas

was in the House of ...

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