What impact does coming to Eyam and the events of the play that follow, have on Mompesson?

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Abi Lambert


What impact does coming to Eyam and the events of the

play that follow, have on Mompesson?

When Mompesson arrives in the village of Eyam he thinks of himself as somebody special, and feels that he shouldn’t be working in such a small place.  He doesn’t care about others, and is only concerned about himself.  I also got the feeling that he was very competitive and always had to right, this is shown when he feels like he is above everybody and that he is better than them.  He feels he is very important and all the villagers are minors and aren’t worth much, this is maybe because he has never dealt with people like these, they are mostly all illiterate.  He thinks everything is going to be easy and just a walk in the park, but he doesn’t realise the problems ahead.  At the beginning he obviously doesn’t know what lies ahead when the village gets infested with the plague, but if he did I’m sure he wouldn’t stick around to help them overcome it.

At first he doesn’t want to stay in Eyam and wants to go and work in London.  The reason for his prejudice is that he had been studying and living in Cambridge, which is a far more richer environment and he isn’t used to such lowly living conditions.  The first person he meets with is Saville, who brought him to the village in the first place.  I noticed that the conversation between the two of them is more of Saville speaking, and Mompesson replying with one or two word answers.  “Well, Mompesson?  What does it feel like?”  “What?”  “Responsibility.”  “Gratifying.”  “I suppose I should have guessed you’d say that.”  Mompessons’ replies shows he is not very impressed with his new job, and later expresses his want to work in London.  Saville tells Mompesson that he shouldn’t judge the villagers before he knows them.  He tells him that Mompesson is looking down on the villagers as if he is better than them.  “You won’t see anything from a pedestal looking down,” said Saville.  He is saying that Mompesson shouldn’t treat the villagers like they are lower than him because he will never connect with them, and earn their trust.

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After Mompesson and Saville have chatted for a bit, Mompesson’s wife, Catherine, enters and the first thing she says is how beautiful the village is.  She is obviously more aware of the surroundings than Mompesson as he never mentions them.  She is very attentive of things around her, whereas Mompesson is more aware of where he has to live and what kind of people he will be working with, and seeing the bad side of things.  Catherine comes across as a positive person, which is why it is good for Mompesson to be married to her as she can bring ...

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