Investigating the relationship between heights and weights of 50 girls in year 11.

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Maths Coursework-relationship between heights and weights of 50 girls in year 11


I think that as the height of the girls increases the weight will as well, so I expect my graph to have a slight positive correlation.


From my data I selected the results for year 11 females. I then numbered each one from 1 – 86. I deleted the outliers and then randomly selected 50 results. I then plotted these results on a scatter graph. For my comparison, I did the same but with 50 year11 males. After plotting the graph I then added a trend line and found the square of the correlation coefficient and the equation of the trend line. From this I could then find out the correlation of my graph.

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From my results I can see that there is slight positive correlation proving that my hypothesis was correct. The correlation coefficient (r) for the height and weight of 50 year 11 girls is 0.0738 = 0.27166155. The critical value of 50n is 0.2353 so; I can therefore say that my results have positive correlation. The correlation coefficient for the ...

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