Implementation Plan and Defense and Problem Definition-Gap Analysis: Harrison-Keyes  


Implementation Plan and Defense and Problem Definition-Gap Analysis: Harrison Keyes

Fernando Maggie, Maritza Matos, and Julio Otano

University Of Phoenix

Strategic Implementation and Alignment


Jeffery Jones

July 16, 2008


Harrison-Keyes (HK), Inc. is a global publisher established in 1899 and since has been a leader in publishing business, scientific and technical information making its first profit by publishing the works of known literary authors. Harrison-Keyes was able to endure the challenges of the industry for over a century. However, in recent years the company faces a problem whose resolution can prove to be either disastrous or benefitial to the depending of the actions taken. Competition from low cost retailers willing to cut margins has compromised the industry and many publishing giants are struggling to maintain the profitability they once enjoyed.

One of the new technologies, which arised in the pulishing industry, is the publication of e-books. According to the former Open e-Book Forum (2003) now called  International Digital Publishing Forum(IDPF, 2008), statistics shows that sales and revenues have increased comparing the 3rd quarter in 2003 with $2,310,291 to the 2nd quarter (April) 2008 with $3,400,000 (Industry statistics, 2008). These challenges have precipitated Harrison-Keyes to implement an e-publishing strategy in an effort to revitalize the company. In doing so, this has unearthed marked deficiencies in the organizational planning and execution of the project.

The e-publishing strategy intention is to drive profitability and position the organization for future success. Due to these present challenges, Harrison-Keyes’s leadership team must reach a favorable outcome through a solution that addresses the prevailing challenges.  The Board of Directors in order to restablish a new company strategic plan and a new management structure hired a new CEO, Meg P. McGill. This paper will outline the proposed solution and gap analysis to assist Harrison-Keyes in realizing the desired outcome and continue performing as one of the leaders in the publishing industry.

Describe the Situation

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Harrison-Keyes Board of Directors hired Meg P. McGill as the company new CEO to lead the organization.  She is from the high-tech industry and proponent of all things digital and who is in charge with the daunting task of revitalizing the company with an innovative approach to publishing. The CEO’s vision is to transform the organization into a publishing powerhouse that is able to compete in the changing industry keeping their role as leaders. Through that vision, Meg embarks on an aggressive strategic plan to transition Harrison-Keyes onto an e-publishing platform.

A number of people are now opting to use e-books rather than printed books (IDPF, 2008). Meg decided to outsource the e-publishing job assigning Asia Digital with the e-books publication task, decision based in previous recommendations. Asia Digita, an e-publisher company based in India is well known for publishing e-books at low cost. Under Meg’s guidance and the implementation of e-publishing with Asia Digital, the company experienced significant delays in the publication of the e-books placing the organization in a precarious situation in delivering their customers the e-publishing in a timely manner.  

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As the team progresses through the execution of e publishing serious delays aroses and as a result, costs increased and confidence in the organization’s ability to execute the e-publishing initiative waned. The implementation of the e-publishing initiative is spiraling out of control; and the project team as well as management is at a loss.  The project team has failed to establish a “project scope” from the project management team by which they can measure performance.  How can the team missed to measure the extent to which the delays would be affecting the organization if barometer exists from which to compare? ...

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